Fight National Vaccination Hoax With Positive Content

Fight National Vaccination Hoax With Positive Content

By: Made Raditya )*

Soon there will be a vaccination program so that all Indonesian citizens are free from corona. But unfortunately there are several hoaxes that have been raised by unscrupulous people, to thwart this program. People are asked to ignore hoaxes and remain orderly and willing to be injected with vaccines, and comply with health protocols.

The provision of the corona vaccine in Indonesia, which is planned for January 2021, makes the public relieved because it means that the pandemic will end soon. The Sinovac vaccine will be imported to our country and will be given according to priority. The black and red zones get it first.

But amid the euphoria in welcoming the vaccine, there are also hoaxes circulating. Fake news that some people have already read makes them afraid to get injected. Even though this vaccine is guaranteed safe. Volunteers who were recently injected with the vaccine, such as the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil, have so far proven healthy and have not contracted the corona.

One of the hoaxes about vaccines is that they can change human DNA. Even though changing DNA is something that is complex, and cannot be done with just one injection. If the DNA will be changed, the way is with a cell transplant. Meanwhile, the vaccine contains the killed virus, not new cells. It is impossible after being vaccinated, humans will turn into mutants.

The second hoax about the corona vaccine is that it has taken a toll. Also included is a photo of the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin to strengthen the narrative. Even though it’s just fake news. The woman in the photo is not Putin’s daughter and she did not die after being vaccinated.

Logically, the vaccine contains a paralyzed virus, so that when it is injected it will raise antibodies. Humans will get stronger and will not get corona. Instead of losing your life. So we must be aware of hoaxes like this and not believe them outright.

To prevent hoaxes, it must be countered with positive content. The government can organize a contest to make posters or memes about the covid vaccine and its hoaxes, so that people will see their various creations on social media. After seeing a beautiful and educational poster, they will be orderly and want to be vaccinated.

The government can partner with influencers who have many followers on social media, so that they become ambassadors for the corona vaccine. Celebgrams have enough influence, so that their followers do not believe in hoaxes about national vaccinations. So there will be more and more young people who want to be immunized.

After the hoaxes subside, the public also needs to be educated again about health protocols. Because after they are immunized, it doesn’t mean they can be free and free like before. Keep wearing a mask, wash your hands diligently, and follow other health protocols.

Why still adhere to health protocols? Indeed, vaccination is 95% effective in preventing corona. However, there is still a 5% gap so that the virus can enter the human body. For example, when his immunity is low or he does not maintain hygiene, or he has comorbids, aka congenital diseases. Especially now that it’s the rainy season and many people catch the flu easily.

Wearing a mask is not only effective in holding back droplets which are an area for corona transmission, but also has other functions. The inhaled air will be filtered so that it is cleaner. Humans will be healthier, because they are accustomed to adhere to health protocols. The existence of the protocol has become a modern lifestyle that is carried out every day.

Let’s fight hoaxes about national vaccinations and don’t even spread it. The fake news spread by antivax circles is simply a misleading narrative. Because this vaccine is proven safe. In addition, we still have to comply with health protocols even though we have been immunized, so that the body is fitter.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

FighthoaxNational VaccinationPositive Content
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