Fighting Radicalism By Caring for and Implementing Local Wisdom Values

Fighting Radicalism By Caring for and Implementing Local Wisdom Values

By: Arifudin Siswanto (Chair of the Cilacap Regional Publication Literacy Movement)

The problem of radicalism and intolerance is something that is not only troubling, but also endangering both religion and the state. Apart from all that, radicalism can also affect someone’s psychic which leads to negative sentiments towards other groups who disagree with him.

Along with the rise of intolerance ranging from satire on social media, discriminatory attitudes, the destruction of houses of worship to suicide bombings make ideas about tolerance need to be echoed again. Tolerance is a very important element in the unity and integrity of Indonesia.

Upholding Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as a manifestation of tolerance needs to be instilled early on for every Indonesian citizen. Tolerance is an important key in warding off all ideologies that want to shift Pancasila, including radical ideas which are constantly being voiced both directly and through social media.

In reducing the impact of radicalism, Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar revealed how to strengthen the noble values ​​of the nation with the values ​​of local wisdom. Local wisdom will be a medium of self-introspection which is always an alarm to remind the importance of unity and unity. The noble value of the nation is inseparable from the history of the struggle of the fighters who united in diversity to liberate the archipelago.

Radicalism, in essence, seeks to create a new society, in dangerous ways. Very contradictory to the offer given. The new order of radicalism offers peace and peace for the whole community. All problems of the state can be overcome through the laws they believe in. However, with clear thinking, how can a group offer peace but through violence. Very absurd.

Harmful ways can be divided into several elements, ranging from disbelief in other people’s religions, other people’s culture and believe that the only true is what is embraced and considered true.

This is a dangerous principle because it can harm the lives of the people from the smallest group, namely the family, to the largest, namely the State.

On the other hand, radicalism legitimizes the victims who fall due to the coercion of that will. The Bali Bombing, Thamrin Bombing and Surabaya Bombing cases are examples.

Which means, anyone can be a victim. Victims of the legitimacy efforts were, in fact, a threat to freedom and peace that is being sought by the Indonesian people.

So, technically whether local wisdom can prevent terrorism and radicalization in the midst of society? The answer is yes and correct.

Why? Because technically, local wisdom is the Vision of life and the Code of Ethics of the community, which indirectly has the power to bind one person to another, and be a moral control to continue to maintain relationships between one person and another.

It is very important to continue to preserve and preserve local wisdom. Its function is not only limited to its meaning, but greater than that. The implementation of local wisdom is the most important thing to protect the unity of Indonesia. It could even be a “armor” for Indonesia to continue to maintain national peace and unity.

It is never too late, from now on we improve ourselves from ourselves first and continue to try to invite people around to join the unifying ambassador of the nation who are not easily provoked by radicalism or bait spread by extremists. Smart and wise in social media is equally important in daily life.

Therefore, from now on stay away from and avoid the provocation and propaganda of radicalism by increasing patriotism and nationalism for a peaceful and developed Indonesia.

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