Government Institutions Must Support Covid-19 Handling Efforts

Government Institutions Must Support Covid-19 Handling Efforts

By: Zakaria )*

The effort to find the Covid-19 drug by Airlangga University in collaboration with the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Indonesian Army was blocked by BPOM. The BPOPM step is unfortunate considering that the discovery of the Covid-19 drug is the strong ambition of the nation’s sons to end the Covid-19 pandemic.

DPR Commission IX encourages the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to grant production and distribution permits related to the Covid-19 drug combination found by the joint team of Universitas Airlangga (Unair) BIN and the Indonesian Army.

DPR commission IX member Yahya Zaini assessed that usually the production and distribution permit from the BPOM is issued 20 days after submission, but it is hoped that it will be accelerated because the drug is currently needed by the public.

He also explained, with the existence of this drug, of course it could reduce the death rate, he would also meet the head of the BPOM directly to ask for permission to be issued.

Yahya also expressed his appreciation for the joint team who had found a drug combination that was a concoction and had gone through various stages with approximately six to seven months. The clinical trial is also fast due to collaboration with the Indonesian Army with a total of 700 people who have participated in the third phase of clinical trials.

Previously, the Chancellor of Unair M. Nasih had asked all parties to be able to support the Covid-19 combination drug found by the joint team of UNAIR, BIN and the TNI AD to immediately obtain a production permit and distribution permit.

Previously, the DPR Budgetary Body (Banggar) fully supported the government’s real efforts in finding vaccine drugs to anticipate Covid-19 created by the nation’s children.

Chairman of the DPR Banggar MH Said Abdullah said the Covid-19 pandemic had developed in such a way as to become a thick cloud for the health of mankind around the world. Therefore, efforts to work together and work together to find a cure for Covid-19 should be supported by all the nation’s children.

This is because if this pandemic drags on, the world will face a much more serious threat of economic destruction, including the death toll in various countries which is likely to continue to increase.

Said admitted that there were pros and cons related to the covid-19 vaccine. However, it would be wise if these differences could be resolved through an academic-clinical forum.

This is because a dispute over the opinion of experts in the mass media will actually create public distrust of those who are trying to find drugs and vaccines. Of course this is very counterproductive.

This finding is certainly part of the efforts of the nation’s children to save the Indonesian nation from this uncertain Covid-19 threat. Moreover, these findings were also conducted in clinical trials before public consumption.

On different occasions, the General Chairperson of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah Sunanto asked all parties to appreciate the Covid-19 virus combination drug made by UNAIR, BIN and TNI AD.

He felt surprised if there were parties who doubted and even sneered at the findings. This step should be appreciated, not dwarfed. We support to press for solutions in overcoming this disaster.

The man who is familiarly called Cak Nanto, then called on the whole community to stop the actions of mutual abuse and ridicule the discovery of the nation’s children finding the covid-19 drug to be an obstacle to the Indonesian nation.

On a different occasion, the Leadership of the City Council of Surabaya, East Java also appreciated UNAIR for its dedication in helping the government in dealing with the new type of corona virus or Covid-19.

Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Adi Sutarwijono said, “UNAIR is one of the pioneering campuses in handling Covid-19.

According to him, UNAIR has shown evidence that this campus is part of the source of eternal knowledge, such as the urn of eternal water brought by Garuda Mukti, Bhatara Wisnu rode in the UNAIR symbol.

Adi said, UNAIR is a campus that is full of dedication in helping the government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic such as the tropical disease institute (LPT) or the Unair Institute of Topical Diseases (ITD) which has become a mainstay in swab tests from various regions.

UNAIR Hospital is also a Covid-19 referral hospital. The hospital has even built a special building, namely the Infection Clinic Hospital (RSKI) for Covid-19 patients who are separated from general patients. So that treatment for general patients is not interrupted.

Nationally, Unair is in position 4 of the best campuses. This is certainly an honor to continue to support Unair in dedicating the academic community in the world of research in accordance with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

)* The author is a citizen living in Jakarta

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