Government Prepares Second Phase Social Aid Affected by Corona

Government Prepares Second Phase Social Aid Affected by Corona

By: Reza Pahlevi )*

The first phase of social assistance is almost one hundred percent. The government under the coordination of President Joko Widodo is currently rushing to implement the second phase of Social Aid.

Jakarta is one of the regions in Indonesia affected by the Corona Virus, Covid 19, the largest in Indonesia. This also became one of the reasons for the Social Security movement for all marginalized people to get social assistance targeted at the DKI Jakarta area. In order to be right on target, the second phase of Social Aid was given to affected communities but had not received Social Aid before.

This is in line with what was said by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat regarding the targets to be given assistance for this Second Phase. He said that those who received priority assistance to those who were more entitled were poor people who had not received assistance from the first stage.

With the category of marginal citizens, among others, community members who have scavenger jobs, beggars, buskers, displaced elderly people, as well as homeless people and people with disabilities who have a limited economy.

The efforts of President Jokow Widodo before implementing the Social Aid for the second phase, of course certainly complete the first Social Aid phase first. The type of social media referred to is Cash Bansos, with a maximum target channeled for the whole before the arrival of Eid al-Fitr.

To help this effort, the Ministry of Social Affairs also mobilized the Regional Government (local government) to record citizens who are more entitled as soon as possible. This is in order to achieve the second Bansos target that must be resolved before the dedline ends. Of course related to social assistance in the form of cash or can be called a BST.

Already 7.8 million families have received cash social assistance, but there are still 1.2 million who have not yet received this assistance. So that from the total target of 9 million the central government and also the local government are working hard so that cash social assistance is distributed on target and also quickly.

To get this assistance is actually not as difficult as expected, from the government, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs authorities also said the same thing that there is no data process that is too complicated. It’s just that the data must be right on target, so that it is needed through the village government who already knows the residents and knows better who hasn’t got help.

The second phase of social assistance was promoted so that all assistance from the government could immediately be felt by the people who needed this assistance, especially the marginalized who were the main target. This is also the result of the hard work of the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari Batubara P, who strives to take rapid steps.

These quick steps are in accordance with Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s order, so that the distribution of aid is not to late. With this quick step, it is hoped that all Jakarta residents affected by the Corona Virus will become Indonesian citizens who can withstand any risk of disaster, such as hunger or getting exposed to this disease.

So that you don’t have to wait for Idul Fitri, but Jakarta will get repairs quickly. The second phase of social assistance can be done well. All people from the people of Jakarta who were affected by the negative side of the Pandemic Corona, so that their finances are running low.

Also for the affected communities in this case “activities that must be limited” can enjoy free air again. With the Jakarta people obedient to the rules given by the Government, this Corona Pandemic will soon end.

The Government’s efforts to implement Phase Two Social Aid will be maximally mobilized. To deal with the economic problems of the people of Jakarta, especially the Marginal. And make the people of Jakarta immediately free from this Corona Virus outbreak. Therefore obey the direction of the government.

)* The writer is a Pakuan Bogor University Student

AffectedcoronaGovernmentPrepareSecond PhaseSocial Aid
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