Habib Rizieq Looking for the Stage Ahead of the Reunion 212

Habib Rizieq Looking for the Stage Ahead of the Reunion 212

By: Muhammad Zaki )*

The leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) re-emerged with controversial comments. This time, HRS accused the Government of Indonesia of banning recommendations to the Government of Saudi Arabia so that HRS cannot return to Indonesia. The action was allegedly a way for HRS to look for a stage ahead of the 212th Reunion.

Who does not know this controversial FPI High Priest? Its action on social media is quite enlivening the atmosphere of the digital world. His signals to the government often adorn the news. As if, the news about him is something big that deserves attention. In fact, a number of parties stated that HRS had actions which were considered negative. Nevertheless, the supporting organization so exalts its figure.

Not one or two cases that have ensnared him, the most controversial is the chat-eseknya spread in cyberspace. However, as if he is above the law, he is often absent and runs away from the security forces in questioning his case.

Awit Mashuri as chairman of the 212 Reunion Committee said his party was trying to repatriate the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab to Indonesia. The goal, so that HRS can attend the reunion on 2 December. HRS claimed that his return was prevented by the Indonesian government. He also uploaded evidence of his ban on his personal YouTube channel.

HRS sulked and asked for help from its supporters in Indonesia. This is in line with Awit’s statement. He said he was persuading the Government of Saudi Arabia to smooth Habib’s return. However, it seems that the world’s largest oil refinery country has yet to grant a request before there is a guarantee from Indonesia regarding Habib’s return home.

Awit did not give up, he added if the ban had been removed then he would immediately present the FPI frontman. Regarding his upload on Youtube about his ban letter, Mahfud MD provided a clarification.

In fact, the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security is ready to challenge Habib to show the letter. He claimed up to 3 weeks of serving in a new office, Mahfud did not know the viral letter. So he needs to see the evidence Habib shows. So that everything becomes clear.

However, Mahfud acknowledged that the high priest had the same protection rights from the government. However, the state still has the right to maintain its existence. Which means, the state has the right to guarantee the security and integrity of the nation because it is a form of state responsibility to all Indonesian people.

Previously, this 212 action became viral when the Ahok case was related to blasphemy of religion some time ago. Starting from now his prestige has increased dramatically. Especially during the presidential election, where this organization brought Prabowo as its champion. Unmitigated, this action was able to suck up the masses to more than 7 million participants from all over Indonesia, and various lines of society.

However, the light dims, like losing a parent. This organization was shaken when the candidate decided to move to the government camp. And chose to participate in strengthening the field of defense. The bearers languished, but did not give up. Presumably there will be a new name that will be promoted “again” during the reunion of 2 December. In fact, this organization always claims that the reunion event is purely a routine agenda, without political content. But in fact, there are always political figures who are invited to enliven the 212 stage.

Not HRS if it does not reap controversy. This FPI eccentric frontman is seen as always having the idea to “undermine” government power. He was also considered absent from a number of apparatus calls related to cases that ensnared him. However, Habib calmly confirmed if he felt comfortable living in the country of origin of his ancestors. But, the peculiarity occurred when the Arab government imposed an overstay penalty for this FPI frontman. What’s more embarrassing, PA 212 plans to raise funds to repatriate this HRS.

Seriously, isn’t he an guest of honor. Then why finally dying to go home just for a reunion. Possibly true, if the high priest is only looking for a sensation before the reunion of December 2 later. It is also considered to seek attention to a number of parties so that the issues rolled out become viral and eventually become the spotlight.

Apart from all the polemics and issues that are rolling. A religious leader should convey things in a good manner. With this good example, it is expected that the people can emulate, so that Indonesia can become a just, prosperous and prosperous country (baldatun toyyibatun wa rabbun ghafur).

)* The author is a social political observer

FPIHabib RizieqReunion 212
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