Handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia is Improving

Handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia is Improving

By: Zakaria )*

The government continues to evaluate the implementation of handling Covid-19. These efforts are also claimed to be getting better as many patients recover.

The handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia tends to improve. This was disclosed by Erick Thohir as Minister of BUMN who claimed that the development trend of this outbreak had greatly improved.

This can be seen from the trend in the number of patients recovering and the trend in the fatality or death rate that continues to improve.

Even so, Erick admits that he is not satisfied with the numbers that he claims continue to lead to improvements. Therefore, his party will continue to strive so that the numbers that occur in the increase of Covid-19 can be maintained properly.

The good news came from Belitung where all 28 positive patients with the Covid-19 virus in Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province were declared cured of the Covid-19 virus after undergoing treatment at the local hospital and Covid-19 quarantine center.

Thus, until now there are no more positive Covid-19 patients who are in the SKB quarantine center.

However, the head of the task force to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 in Belitung Regency, Sahani Saleh in Tanjung Pandan hopes that the community will adhere to and implement health protocols and always maintain personal hygiene and the surrounding environment.

He also invited the public to work hard in restoring the current economy of Belitung, where now is the right momentum because there are no more patients who have been confirmed positive for Covid-19 in the area.

Meanwhile, 7 provinces reported a higher recovery rate when compared to the addition of positive cases of Covid-19 as of September 2, 2020.

Data compiled from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force shows the 7 provinces are South Kalimantan, with 105 additional cases of recovery compared to 59 additional positive cases; North Sulawesi 51 based 15; and Gorontalo 17 to 15.

Then, the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) reported an additional 29 recovered cases compared to 14 positive cases; Papua 21 to 11; West Kalimantan 21 to 6; and West Papua 6 to 5.

In addition, there were 2 provinces, namely Central Kalimantan and West Sulawesi, which reported each additional 1 case healed without the addition of positive cases.

As for nationally, on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, there have been an addition of 3,075 positive cases or a cumulative of 180,646 people.

On the other hand, cases recovered increased by 1,914 people or a cumulative 129,971 people, while cases died from the corona virus increased by 111 people or if the total was 7,616 people.

In addition, today the Covid-19 Handling Task Force recorded 81,757 suspected cases and 31,001 daily specimens related to Covid-19 that have been examined.

This figure certainly shows the success of doctors and health workers in dealing with the virus even though there are no drugs, vaccines or standard treatment methods. This is certainly a sign that doctors have not lost their identity as a scientist.

Even though Indonesia has mourned the death of more than 100 doctors who died during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the high recovery rate is something to be grateful for.

Health workers continue to innovate in dealing with the virus pandemic that is emerging for the first time in the world. Thus, more and more patients have recovered since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in March 2020.

Founder & Chairman of MarkPlus, Hermawan Kartajaya feels that the government has handled the Covid-19 pandemic in a measured manner.

Apart from government work, efforts to deal with covid-19 certainly require active community involvement in accordance with their respective capacities.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the government would find it difficult to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic without active community involvement according to their respective capacities.

Therefore, he appreciates all movements initiated by the community which aim to educate and invite residents to be actively involved in the fight against Covid-19.

Fighting the Covid-19 pandemic can certainly start with yourself, such as diligently washing your hands, wearing masks and keeping your distance.

Handling Covid-19 in Indonesia must get support from many parties, because in order to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, cooperation from many parties is needed and starting from the discipline of complying with health protocols.

)* The author is a citizen living in Jakarta

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