Handling of Covid-19 Nationally Improved

Handling of Covid-19 Nationally Improved

By: Putu Prawira )*

The development of the handling of Covid-19 nationally has gradually improved, this is indicated by a decrease in the number of additional positive cases weekly, a decrease in the mortality rate and the continued increase in patients recovering every day.

Coordinator of the Expert Team and Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Professor Wiku Adisasmito explained, there were 2,973 positive cases added. Then, active cases on November 3 were 54,732 cases or 13% compared to the world average of 25.52%. Meanwhile, cases recovered to date amounted to 349,497 cases or 83.5%. Where the world cured cases were 71.9%. 14,146 cumulative cases died or 3.4% where the cases died 2.5%.

In detail, the development of positive cases at the national level tended to decline from the previous week. This week there was a decrease in positive cases by 17.1%. However, this week there are still provinces that need attention with the highest increase in cases, namely West Sumatra up 142, Riau Islands up 137, DI Yogyakarta up 76, West Papua up 45 and Papua up 40.

The number of decreases is also found in the development of death cases nationally. This week the death toll is nationwide. This week the death rate decreased by 18% from the previous week. This week in the top 5 provinces that still need to reduce their mortality rate, including East Kalimantan by 11, South Sulawesi by 10, Papua by 8, Lampung by 6 and East Kalimantan by 6.

Meanwhile, the highest percentage of deaths was in the province of East Java 7.16%, NTB 5.53%, Central Java 5.11% and Bengkulu 4.53%.

Although the national recovery rate continues to improve, the number of recoveries this week has slowed by 0.8% from the previous week.

Wiku hopes for provinces that show a declining trend of recovery, to really improve the quality of their health services, and for the community to go to health facilities if they experience symptoms of Covid-19 so that treatment can be done early and improve recovery.

Previously, in the midst of a pandemic and the efforts of many parties, especially the government, in reducing the number of transmission while ensuring that public needs and welfare continued, many were cynical that the government was able to overcome Covid-19.

This is also admitted by the Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko and according to him, this assumption is wrong and even inconsequential. He also revealed what the maximum efforts were made by the government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Moeldoko, there are 3 strategies carried out by the central government to deal with Corona. The focus of settlement is not only about health but also on other matters. In terms of health, the government wants not too many people to be exposed to Corona.

He stated that the government had made every effort so that there were not too many Covid-19 victims. For that, the community must be able to live well.

The government also pays attention to the needs of the community amid the outbreak, Covid-19. This is because many layers of society experience difficulties during the pandemic.

Moeldoko emphasized that people must be able to eat, lest people face the pandemic when it is difficult to find food.

This measured work from the government in dealing with Covid-19 is expected to be the key to success in dealing with the pandemic. Not to forget that this performance must also be accompanied by periodic evaluations.

The government is also still working on increasing public awareness and understanding so that it can break the chain of spreading Covid-19.

When viewed from the point of view of public communication, Moeldoko considers that the information and policies conveyed by the government have the aim of all citizens adapting to new habits by applying health protocols.

He also explained that the President also reminded the importance of careful preparation regarding the gradual opening of various sectors. Such as education, tourism, and business sectors such as food stalls and restaurants.

He also ensured that handling covid-19 was the current government’s top priority. According to him, the government has also distributed various assistance and stimuli to the community in order to survive this pandemic.

We certainly have to keep building optimism as long as the pandemic status is not over, so that the planned programs will continue until the Covid-19 vaccine is found and can be distributed.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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