Handling Radicalism Requires Synergy of All Parties

Handling Radicalism Requires Synergy of All Parties

By: Edi Jatmiko )*

Radicalism is still a serious threat to society. All parties are urged to increase synergy because radicalism is a common problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

Radicalism is indeed a real threat that is not playing games, radical groups ISIS for example, this group is of concern to the world where they are in the name of Islam in carrying out terrorism. Though it is clear that terror is a form of crime, not religious teachings.

ISIS also believes that to achieve what is desired it is permissible to use violence. They gained followers who spread terror throughout the world, as well as recruiting sympathizers to engage in their brutal actions.

The actions of radical groups like ISIS also have an impact on the lives of mainly Muslims in Europe. In response to ISIS, western countries often issue policies which ultimately burden the Muslim community there.

No less dangerous is the video that ISIS uploaded on the internet was watched by many European people. This is what makes the view of Europeans view that Islam is a religion full of violence.

From the triumph to the downfall of ISIS, there were about 700 to 800 ISI sympathizers in Syria. Of the total, only about 200 people have. repatriated to Indonesia.

The rest, they cannot return to their homeland due to various considerations. Moreover, word got out that some Indonesian citizens there had ripped his passport, it meant he had no desire to return to his homeland.

BNPT Chief Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar said radical groups were still actively carrying out their actions through recruitment propaganda, both online and offline during the covid-19 pandemic.

Boy also ensured that his party would continue to fight the terrorist movement. BNPT will continue to engage in counter-radicalism and continue to fight information that is contrary to the basic values ​​of the Pancasila philosophy.

Boy said that in the span of January to June 2020, there were 84 people from terrorist networks that had been named as suspects. The majority of those named as suspects apparently had planned a number of acts of terrorism but were foiled.

Previously, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia appealed for the people to unite to eradicate radical ideas so that later they would not become a major force in Indonesia. One way is to make the concept of moderate Islam as the main stream.

In fact, Ma’ruf hopes further that the concept also applies in countries around the world. Thus, radicalism will fade globally. World scholars must sit together in formulating moderate Islamic education at the global level.

He believes with that step, then there are no more radical notions that smell of Islam. Because in the end they understood that no one was interested in following him anymore and their influence was lost.

Meanwhile, radicalism content on the internet is countless. Religious exalted religious radicalism can actually cause divisions between fellow religious communities with the same beliefs or with other religious groups.

Radical understanding in carrying out and spreading its understanding tends to use methods that are not in accordance with what has been used as guidelines for the daily life of the Indonesian people.

Radicalism continues to try to force the nation’s generation into what they understand as a way of life and a solution to the nation’s problems.

Although not all radicals hold weapons, they have all the means and strategies to spread their ideology to various sectors. Don’t be surprised if there are government employees both civil servants and ASN who have been exposed to radical understandings.

Previously, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) found a number of civil servants (PNS) suspected of being exposed to radicalism. One that was found was even known to be an employee of the DKI Provincial Province (Pemprov).

Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) Chaidir, directly coordinated with the DKI National Unity and Politics Agency to trace the identity of the DKI civil servants to trace the identity of the intended PNS. He said, civil servants and ASN who were proven to embrace radicalism would be fired from their positions. So, he no longer served as a government employee.

Radicalism is something that must be followed up, radical understanding is clearly not in line with the values ​​of Pancasila, so we must be aware of content that is nuanced with hate speech or an invitation to reject democracy.

)* The author is a contributor of Reader Institute

All PartiesHandlingRadicalismSynergy
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