Hoax Threatens the Integrity of Indonesia and the Success of National Development Sustainability

By: Muhammad Satyan Azikar (Online Trader in Gorontalo)

Hoax is a real component of destructive democracy in the momentum of the democratic party in the 2019 Election, because it is able to manipulate voters in determining who will lead Indonesia in the next five years. The rise of hoaxes can be said to be a reflection of the bad morality in politics. Moreover, if the hoax has arrived at the point where it feels like it has become commonplace and normal, this is very sad.

In the campaign period, the use of hoax hoax content is a sign that there are nuances of unhealthy competition and the breakdown of political ethics. This is certainly very unfortunate because the Election period is the best moment to determine good leaders who are responsible for the sustainability of national leadership with dignity.

At present we are often presented with contention fights which are unfortunately triggered by fake news in cyberspace. Various provocative efforts by individuals who use all means to gain power are not good for a national unity. For that, let’s fight hoaxes.

The behavior of irresponsible individuals is truly barbaric because they divide the unity and unity of the Indonesian people. That is why we must participate in supporting movements against and rejecting hoaxes which are currently being intensively carried out on social media, especially in this political year ahead of the General Election. We must take care of unity and safeguard national development. What is currently being done intensively is by one of them spreading positive content content and information on development results to foster the spirit and optimism of the nation towards advanced Indonesia with the success of national leadership sustainability.

Let’s use voting rights intelligently and don’t be provoked by hoaxes so that the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation will be maintained, especially in the 2019 election event. Let’s fight hoaxes together and let us succeed in national leadership that will bring Indonesia forward.

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