How dangerous is religious radicalism?

How dangerous is religious radicalism?

By: Rusmin Nuryadin) *

Of Indonesian people are familiar with radical terms, especially lately we often hear the term radical movements or radical lectures in this country. The most widely heard is the radical movement that is closely related to Islamic militant groups.
Before discussing further, there is no harm if we first understand the meaning of radicals. When referring to the Large Indonesian Dictionary “Radical” means very hard to demand change (government law) and progress in thinking or acting. Meanwhile ‘Radicalism’ is an understanding or sect that wants social or political change or renewal by means of violence or drastic and extreme attitudes in the political flow.
From this, it can be seen that radical attitudes will encourage individual behavior to defend furiously about a belief, belief, religion or ideology that they adhere to.
Religious radicalism itself has actually existed since the 16th – 19th century AD Two of the most rooted religions are that between Islam and Christianity which fight over each other’s glory at that time.
But the phenomenon of religious radicalism does not only spread to Islam or Christianity. As written by Karen Armstrong in her book the battle for God (2000), radicalism also exists in Hinduism and Jews. Even the latest facts show the existence of radicalism in Buddhist followers.
This is certainly heartbreaking, but it is rightly acknowledged that the religion that was most successfully destroyed by radicalism is Islam. Because it is not impossible if there are many people who think that radicalism is part of Islamic teachings. Though the reality is not like that.
That perspective appears clearly not without cause. As an advertisement that contains elements of propaganda has sprung up in various media, it will gradually influence people’s mindsets as well. That is what happens to Islam.
Where the movements of Islamic radical groups are always proclaimed by various media in a world without gaps. In fact, not infrequently will make headlines.
Islamic radical groups in Indonesia were the first to seize the attention of the group masterminded by Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, the group responsible for the Bali Bombing I and II.
While the group that is in the spotlight in various parts of the world is the ISIS militant movement. Even now ISIS has spread to various directions and has succeeded in controlling a city of a neighboring country, namely the city of Marawi, the Philippines. No wonder the Indonesian society, even the world, perceives that radicalism has become a part of Islam.
Whereas as previously explained, radicalism not only propagates and causes divisions in the Islamic but also in other religions, except that media framing has succeeded in generating opinion that Islam is so attached to radicalism.
The Radicalism movement also exists in Hinduism, in India where the majority of the population embraces Hinduism. Religious feuds in this country have also happened for a long time. Two conflicting religions are Hinduism and Islam. Therefore Pakistan, which is predominantly Muslim, finally decided to separate from India.
But the separation of the two countries also did not significantly reduce religious tensions there.
There was news when the 50-year-old Muslim man in a northern Indian village was killed by a group on Monday night because of rumors that his family had stored and consumed beef at home, of we know that in Hinduism Cows are sacred animals.
At least two groups such as Rashtavadi Pratap Sena and Sena were widely blamed for the sudden explosion in the incidence of religious tensions in the Dadri area, which was almost 50 km from the capital city of India, New Delhi.
If we look in the mirror a few years ago, of we have heard the news about the suffering of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. The majority of Muslims in Rakhine were not expelled from their but were also executed by radical Buddhist groups led by radical Buddhist groups Ashin Wirathu. The group named itself 696.

In Judaism, the matter of this fact certainly does not need to be explained in volumes. This is because the whole world knows how Israel, a Jewish state, has invaded Palestine for a long time. The closure of the Aqsa Mosque area which happened some time ago is clearly a form of radicalism committed by Israel. It could be said that Israel is a big reflection of how radical movements in the Jewish body really happened.
The history book of the archipelago has recorded the dark history that happened. Conflicts in various regions on behalf of tribes and religions, such as the conflict between Islam and Christianity in Poso, can certainly be a lesson that anyone does not want to live in the midst of tensions, whirring of bloody bullets and swords.
Radicalism is certainly not one of the characteristics of religious people, any religion certainly teaches love and peace, not war or hatred.
Jihad is not really jihad by taking up arms, but sincerity in worship and continues to spread goodness to all humanity.

) * The author is an observer of social political issues

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