By: Mirwan Ahmad )*

What can you still contemplate at this Christmas celebration in the midst of social politics full of hatred, violence and intolerance? The country’s situation now tends to heat up ahead of the upcoming 2019 general election. In that context, the hope of creating peace and joyful life does not seem easy.

However, the possibilities remain open because in reality the general election part of the democratic process must be lived with joy and happiness in a peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand, there is an awareness that the nation lives among certain people who hate peace.

God gives an opportunity to develop the beliefs of each human being based on the existence of thought and the quality of his understanding. Beliefs based on the awareness of thought and understanding at the applicative level should be able to realize the values ​​of Godhead through compassion, a spirit of brotherhood among others.

Are not all religions revealed by God for the benefit of humans, in order to be able to develop a spirit of caring for others, mutual care, sharpening and nurturing. An attitude that if implemented at the level of social relations will inject peace between humans, among religious followers.

If God explicitly gives guidance to humans that even though they differ in their beliefs, they must always remain at peace, as if a person feels to carry out the teachings of God with his belief trying to develop a spirit of teaching that respects differences in beliefs in everyday social interaction.

All religions through their scriptures teach about human values ​​so that humans are able to establish social relations in a peaceful, loving manner. This is what is really needed by mankind to build a loving compassion, including for people of different religions.

Basically, the teachings of each religion teach the same love to others and to other believers, which is not allowed is the perspective of each individual who thinks that his religion is the most correct while the others are wrong.

For this reason, it is expected that Christmas 2018 which will soon take place will run in an orderly, safe and peaceful manner.

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