Increasing Aircraft Movement in Soetta Airport, Minister of Transportation involve British Consultant

CIDISS. Minister of Transportation RI, Budi Karya Sumadi involves consultants from United Kingdom, NATS, in order to improve the movement of aircraft or movement at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

Until now, the movement of aircraft in one hour is reaching 72 movements facilitated by two runways or runways.

Budi said, already recommended by NATS UK, a consultant who manages the navigation at Heathrow Airport. We will build third runway later and we will gain movement advantage which is much higher above 100.

Budi explained, progress of the third runway development until now has reached the stage of taxiway making.

PT Angkasa Pura II as airport manager is still seeking the land acquisition process which is targeted to be completed in April 2018. With the operation of three runways at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, in addition to improving movement, will also facilitate the maintenance process if at any time needed.

As for the two runways currently, maintenance is still implemented in a limited way because it is still used for operational flying and landing aircraft.

Budi said, if three runways later, so there is maintenance, we use two (runway) only. The maintenance process should take place either.

The total land required for the construction of the third runway of Soekarno-Hatta Airport is 216 hectares. Of the total land required, PT AP II already owns the land that is their asset area of ​​42.85 hectares. Meanwhile, the remaining land of 173.19 hectares requires land acquisition process at a cost of Rp 4 trillion from the State Capital Participation (PMN).

The areas targeted for land acquisition for the construction of the third runway are Selapajang Jaya Sub-district and Benda in Tangerang City, and Tangerang Regency that includes Bojong Renged Village, Rawa Burung Village, and Rawa Rengas Village.

The construction of the third runway becomes an urgent need because the capacity of two existing runways in Soekarno-Hatta Airport has been maximal.

Meanwhile, the increasing growth of passenger and airplane movement is getting higher so it needs new runway to serve the excess of the movement.

Because Soekarno-Hatta Airport is still the main hub of national aviation. Therefore flight capacity must be continuously improved for the convenience of air transport users.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

British ConsultantBudi Karya SumadiIncreasing Aircraft MovementMinister of TransportationNATSPT Angkasa Pura II
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