Increasingly Resilient Against Covid-19 in the Era of Adaptation to New Habits

By: Hendra Gunawan (Chairman of the Semarang Regional Independent Social Media Activist Forum )

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo in his official speech at the Merdeka Palace (15/5/20) stated, “Our lives have definitely changed to overcome the risk of this outbreak. That is inevitable. That is what many people call the new normal or new life order. 

Furthermore, to make the new life order easier to internalize by the community, the “new normal” is narrated as “New Habit Adaptation”. The purpose of New Habit Adaptation (IMR) is the adjustment of activities such as working, studying or shopping by implementing health protocols so that all activities / activities remain productive during the Covid-19 pandemic .

Are we willing to continue living with restrictions? Stay at home? The answer is definitely : No. Of course , we want to be able to work, study, and socialize or other activities again so that we can be active and productive in the pandemic era . This can be done if we adapt to new habits, namely the discipline of healthy living by always implementing strict health protocols.

We are required to be able to adapt / adjust to new habits wherever we are, such as at home, at work, at school, in places of worship, and also in public places, such as terminals, markets and malls. These adaptations are not localized for someone who is sick or with an interest in it, but is for all people in order to create a safe and clean environment and to avoid the risk of spread Covid-19.

It is hoped that by frequently implementing new habits anywhere, it will be easier and faster to become individual norms and community norms and can build productivity and build community optimism in this AKB Era. To be precise, AKB has been embedded in each individual community so that without supervision or strict regulations, the community is sincere and aware of implementing it .

The new habitual adaptations in question are:

1. Wash your hands frequently with soap

2. Wear a mask

3. Keep a safe distance

4. Get enough rest and exercise diligently

5. Eat a nutritious and balanced diet

In the AKB era, it is hoped that the community will build a healthy and strong nation facing the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to achieve the goal of a just and prosperous Indonesian independence.

Remain optimistic and pray that the pandemic will end quickly. Hopefully all the efforts in the AKB phase will produce very sweet results. However, it requires cooperation from all elements of society so that IMR can run effectively by complying with and consistent with established health protocols .

#Increasingly Resilient Against Covid-19 in the Era of Adaptation to New Habits
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