Indonesia’s commitment to participate in carrying out world order based on independence, lasting peace and social justice is mandated by paragraph IV of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This commitment is always realized through Indonesia’s active participation and contribution in the United Nations.

In the international context, participation is an important and concrete indicator of the role of a country in contributing to maintaining international peace and security. Whereas in the national context, this involvement is a means of increasing the professionalism of individuals and organizations directly involved in the deployment of international operations.

Strategically and economically, Indonesia’s participation in peacekeeping missions can also be utilized to encourage the development of national strategic industries in the defense sector. Some Indonesian products used in the UN MPP include the Armored Personnel Carrier ANOA and KOMODO and SS firearms from PT. Pindad, and military / police uniforms made by the national private sector. However, it will be difficult for Indonesia to maintain world peace if peace within its country is still constrained to be maintained. The issue of Papua is currently one of the things that disturbs the security and stability of the domestic security climate. A wave of rallies and false news circulating on the internet and social media is one cause. For that reason, let’s take care together so that this issue does not get bigger and try to think about this wisely. Indonesia is a peaceful country so all the problems that occur in it must be resolved peacefully.

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