Indonesia Anticipation Mers Spread

Indonesia Anticipation Mers Spread
Indonesia Anticipation Mers Spread

By: Arifin *)

In order to anticipate developments in the spread of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia still continue to communicate with the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia and the United Nations Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the Indonesian government also will conduct an examination of Indonesian citizens or foreigners who came to protect the potential entry of the virus into Indonesia. So that the Indonesian government is ready if there are citizens who infected the virus come to Indonesia, said Minister of Health, Nafsiah Mboy, as quoted

“So at 59 ports of entry, we had health offices in any international airport or International port. Immigrants from these countries have to go through what we call body thermal scanner, then we see if there is an increase in body temperature, “she says.

Experience of dealing with the SARS virus in 2008 had a positive impact for Indonesia’s readiness in anticipation of MERS virus. Nafsiah Mboy said, Indonesian government had a treatment facility that ready to assist communities affected by the disease in Indonesia.

Related reported previously , dr.Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya , was handling a patient suspected of contracting Mers CoV begin Wednesday, June 17 until Friday, June 19, 2015. The Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, ensuring that no suspect patients Middle East Respiratory Symptom Coronavirus (CoV mers) in Surabaya, that’s because results from dr. Soetomo Hospital’s quarantine to patients foreigners from China, has been declared negative MERS, cited

Meanwhile, the number of new cases of patients MERS in South Korea increased again after the Ministry of Health announced three new cases have been confirmed. The number of South Koreans infected with Mers increased to 169 people. While the number of patients who died increased by one vote last Saturday, June 20 to 25 deaths. Reuters reported on Sunday (06/21/2015).

As has been reported previously, Mers first discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and the majority of cases arise in the Middle East. Scientists are not sure from where the virus originated, but some research associate with camel.

*) The Author Is Jakarta Regional Contributors

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