Author: Aisyah Amalia *
Pancasila has a variety of functions and positions, among others, as the basis of the state, national outlook, state ideology, national spirit and personality. Pancasila is also very full of values, namely the values ​​of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice. Therefore, Pancasila can be normatively used as a reference for good actions, and philosophically can be used as a study perspective on the values ​​and norms that develop in society. As a value that is separated from each other, these values ​​are universal, can be found wherever and whenever. However, as a unified whole of values, these values ​​give special characteristics to Indonesianness because they are intact components crystallized in the Pancasila.
Why is Indonesia so fortunate to have Pancasila? There are several compelling reasons to support this statement. Basically, Indonesia as the owner of Pancasila is very fortunate because Pancasila has a great strength in maintaining the integrity of the nation. Indonesia is a developing country, so there are still many problems that occur in the economic, social, political, etc. If we look at developed countries, they still have some problems, especially compared to developing countries and Indonesia is one of the developing countries.
Pancasila as a state ideology and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika function as an umbrella and the identity of our pluralistic society. Differences that occur in society are things that should have happened. However, that does not mean being divided and ignoring others. Everyone has the same rights in the eyes of the law, so that any identity has no effect on community life. Democracy does make people unable to shut up. The political situation was felt since the reform era, which was marked by the end of the New Order under President Soeharto. Political parties and new mass organizations that continue to stretch in the era of reform and widen the space for interaction, have an impact on the high public participation in choosing leaders. However, in its development, social situations are prone to division because of different political choices. Moreover, there were groups of people who formed a boundary line with other groups. Nevertheless, still Indonesia is still very fortunate to have Pancasila and Unity in Diversity that have received agreement from all parties, so that the dividing wall can be torn down and returned to parts of Indonesia.

Pancasila as a state ideology can no longer be debated. The reason is, Pancasila is the meeting point or sentence of sawa ‘from various schools, religions, tribes and cultures. Indonesia as a Pancasila country means agreeing to live peacefully. “Therefore, the issue of ideology has been completed, it has been agreed upon. There must be no ideology other than Pancasila. Indonesia is fortunate to have Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Both are the basis of the birth of the NKRI. That is, all citizens are treated equally, there must be no discrimination. and humanitarian disasters for Muslims and non-Muslims, many nations who have lost their identity and are shaken because they cannot manage diversity, they are still looking for value references in dealing with these problems, Indonesia actually won world recognition as a country that managed to maintain the harmony of national life with all of its diversity can be realized because Indonesia has Pancasila. Therefore, all elements of the people are expected to practice the Pancasila.
Problems that occur in Indonesia are related to each other. The government and the community should establish good working relationships. The government must start a good relationship with the people not only to establish close and good relations with fellow countries. On the contrary, the community must also improve itself because community support and participation is needed to accelerate the resolution of all existing problems. We are all sure, by practicing these five basic principles, Indonesia can overcome all existing problems and emerge victorious in the current era of competition. With the foundation of the Pancasila state, there is no reason for us not to be optimistic. We must be optimistic about the future. We must be confident that we can win global competition as a winning nation.
) * Indonesian Literature Students of Gadjah Mada University

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