Indonesian Leadership in A Crisis, Most of The Officials is Delinquent

Good leadership figure needed to build the country

By: Andre Zulfikar)*

Skepticism on many public officials are troubled Indonesia is not a taboo anymore for society. Public officials are involved in various forms of immoral act as a leader, be a bad example for the future generation. Both the Head of Region and bureaucratic officials who commit corrupt acts, drug use, abuse of authority and other scandals. Power had their eyes darken, officials many dissolved in lust targeted at satisfying personal and group interests. They forget that their responsibility in developing country.

Some mayor/regent are troubled in South Sumatra which one mayor and three regent are tangled by case of corruption, bribery and drug abuse. Mayor of Palembang, Romi Herton had been proved to bribe the head of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court, Akil Mochtar about 11.3 billion rupiah and US $ 316 thousand in handling election disputes. Meanwhile in Banyuasin, executive officers had been bribe the legislators in Musi Banyuasin. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has conducted operations in caught red-handed with the evidence amounted to 2.56 billion rupiah. The money is alleged to expedite the budget discussions. Indications of corrupt officials also occurred in the district of Banyuasin. The Regent of Banyuasin, Yan Anto who allegedly demanded money amounting to 1 billion rupiah to Zulfikar to get projects in the education office of Banyuasin district.

The cases that are quite shocking was the Regent of Ogan Ilir, Ahmad Wazir Nofiadi ensnared in drug cases. He served in a young age, can be an example for the youth but ensnared in drug cases. In the trial, he has been proved  using drugs and was sentenced to just over 6 months of rehabilitation. The sentence has been carried out by Ahmad Wazir during legal proceedings, which also takes 6 months so he can be free. And a big question, how an elected regent turned out to be a drug user?

Wazir Ahmad’s case is anxious because he is fathomed still want to served as Regent of Ogan Ilir. Earlier, The Ministri of Home Affair has issued a decree to dismiss Ahmad Wazir as regent. However, the letter was sued by him to the State Administrative Court. Until now, the Ahmad Wazir indicated they want to return to ruling without shame.

Through several such cases, the public can see for themselves that indeed the country is still in crisis of leader. In the sense that there are still many public officials who can’t be the role models for community. If  public officials involved in  immoral cases, will affect to the enhancement amount of the nation’s troubled youth. Shame culture is much less applied in this country. Power is abused to the get any personal satisfaction.

)* The authos is CIDISS contributor

Indonesian LeadershipLeadership Crisispublic officials are troubledThe corruption eradication Commission (KPK)
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