Indonesian Netizens, Let’s Create a Healthy and Dignified 2019 Election Climate

By: Alif Firdaus

General Election is a way in which citizens choose their representatives who will form and make policies and decisions that govern the people. Within the next few years, those elected have the right to determine state policies. However, at present, elections are always associated with fraud and violence. The act of choosing leaders who should be the rights and obligations of citizens is often mismanaged or not appreciated.

Now general elections are covered with dishonest tactics such as vote buying, the results are manipulated, and self-help interests continue, which has an impact on the emergence of those who declare themselves as the White or Golput. The climate of unhealthy elections must be immediately eradicated, because it threatens the spirit of democracy in Indonesia. If it is not immediately followed up, the national leadership sustainability program will not run well.

The first step that we have to take as Indonesian citizens is to unite in fighting everything that makes the climate of the 2019 election become unhealthy and tends to cause illness for the integrity of this beloved NKRI. Ahead of the election event to be held next month, perhaps the most troubling thing is the rampant hoaxes or hoaxes in cyberspace. The first step we have to take is to unite to fight the spread of hoaxes in our cellphones.

By uniting against hoaxes, we can hope that the climate of the 2019 general election is truly healthy and dignified and our homeland can develop towards a better direction. Let us oppose hoaxes and reject quality and dignified Golput for Election solicitation for the success of national leadership sustainability and ensure the sustainability of national development which is currently being intensively carried out.

It is time for citizens to be smart in surfing by spreading goodness and prayer in social media for national optimism and the success of the 2019 Election and the success of national development.

The author is Depok Netizen, Alumni of Muhammadiyah Jakarta University

2019 ElectionGeneral ElectionGolputIndonesian
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