Infrastructure Development as the Major Needs

build Indonesia's infrastructure
build Indonesia’s infrastructure

By: Abi Nurmansyah *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Infrastructure development is the main thing that should be done at this time. Availability of infrastructure to be a solution to economic inequality between Java and outside Java. The concept of development is no longer using the concept of “Java-centric”, which focuses only on the island of Java development. However, prioritized infrastructure development in disadvantaged areas so that the term “build Indonesia from the village and the periphery”.

In the current administration, infrastructure wants to be positioned even more, driven infrastructure investment as land, infrastructure as an instrument of economic growth and as an instrument to encourage equity in the region. So that the infrastructure will be part of the growth of Indonesia. It can be seen from the target of economic growth in 2016 at 5.5%, where infrastructure development will also encourage the performance of gross fixed capital formation and consumption. In addition, infrastructure development will improve national connectivity that is capable of moving the national economy.

As a consequence of the acceleration of infrastructure development, the Government requires that the expansive fiscal policy. This is done by increasing spending on government infrastructure program in 2016 that reached Rp313,5 trillion or 14.9% of total state expenditures in 2016 amounted to Rp2.095 trillion national budget. The government also seeks to improve the quality of the budget through several steps. Among them asked all the K / L to start the pre-auction projects and activities in early 2016, so that the development activities effectively began running in January 2016. The contract implementation of government infrastructure projects is budgeted in 2016 will be signed sooner so that its implementation can be started at the beginning of the year.

However, infrastructure development still faces many obstacles one of which is land acquisition that led into the agrarian conflict. Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) recorded 252 agrarian conflicts occurred in 2015, with an area of ​​400 430 hectares reaching conflict areas. Sector infrastructure development is the highest cause of agrarian conflicts. Conflict in the infrastructure sector occupies the second highest of 70 conflicts (28%), followed by the forestry sector 24 conflicts (9.60%), the mining sector 14 (5.2%), then other conflicts 9 (4%), sector agriculture and coastal / marine fifth in each of the 4 conflict (2%).

The slow pace of land acquisition on programs of infrastructure development is caused not comply with the regulations. In fact, land acquisition for infrastructure projects at this point may be based on Act No. 2 of 2012 on land acquisition for the construction of the public interest. Through this legal umbrella of the government will attempt to socialize the project to the community that will be affected by the eviction. The Government will provide a grace period for six months to prepare for the move, so that people can live a normal life after moving from land used for infrastructure projects.
During this time the infrastructure is still regarded by many as the tasks required to be done by the government. In fact, the task of the government in infrastructure development was limited to basic infrastructure, such as arterial roads, irrigation, bridges, and sanitation that are not commercially viable. So therefore, all parties should be involved in the development of infrastructure to build a better Indonesia. [AN]

*) Jakarta Contributor

economiceconomic inequalityinfrastructureinfrastructure developmentMajor Needs
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