International Community Appreciates Human Rights Protection in Indonesia

By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

Indonesia was elected as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UN Human Rights). The election of Indonesia as a member of the Human Rights Council proves that human rights protection in Indonesia is getting better and is internationally recognized.
These human rights are owned by every human being from birth given by God. According to the Definition of Human Rights contained in RI Law Number 39 Year 1999, it has the meaning as a set of rights inherent as a creature of God Almighty, and is His gift that must be respected, protected, upheld by the State, Law, Government and everyone for the sake of honor and protection of human dignity.
Like a balanced life, in addition to human rights, humans also have basic obligations. This can be interpreted as a fundamental obligation for every human being. Based on the provisions of article 1 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 39/1999 concerning human rights, it states that a basic human obligation is a set of obligations which, if not carried out, are likely to not be carried out and human rights upheld. These rights and obligations are interrelated and have a causal relationship.
According to Thomas Hobbes, humans are usually in a situation of hommo homini luppus bellum omnium comtra omnes. Namely, where humans are wolves to other humans “(Homo Homini Lupus) and the war” human beings against humans “(Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes). So that if there is no country, there will certainly be no security, order, and justice.
While John Lock has a view, if the state is a human will that is manifested in two forms of agreement. First is pactum unionists, this term has the meaning of an agreement between members of the community in order to form a political and state society. The second is pactum subjectionis, which is an agreement between the people and the authorities to protect the people’s rights that remain attached when dealing with the power of the leader.
In addition to these two figures, the French philosopher Montesqieu is also suspected of having influenced the development of the protection of human rights in France. Together with Rousseau he was able to give birth to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens in 1789. This Declaration was later considered to represent the right to freedom (Liberty), security (Safety), property (Property) including resistance to oppression (Resistence to Oppression).
In addition to the international view of human rights, Indonesia also has the view that human rights must be upheld in accordance with Pancasila. The view of human rights embraced by the Indonesian people is considered to be sourced from religious teachings, the noble values ​​of the nation’s culture, universal moral values ​​and based on the Pancasila along with the 1945 Constitution.
Indonesia itself has proven that the human rights situation in its own country is quite good. This is reflected when Indonesia was elected to the UN Human Rights Council (United Nations). This momentum was welcomed by the Commissioner of the National Commission for Human Rights, namely Amiruddin Al Rahab.
Amiruddin considered that this could be Indonesia’s capital to improve the human rights condition in the country. In addition, the public can ask the Government’s responsibility for human rights in more depth. He said that the election of Indonesia made the President have a greater responsibility to ensure the promotion of human rights in the country. Namely, the promotion, fulfillment and protection of human rights itself.
Previously, a number of reports circulated if the achievements were re-carved by Indonesia by being elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the period 2020 to 2022. Indonesia won the position after successfully pocketing 174 votes in the elections held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also appreciated this achievement. He stated that this was a mandate and proof of the trust of the international community to Indonesia.
In addition, the appointment of Indonesia to the International Human Rights Council was able to dispute issues related to human rights issues in several regions in Indonesia such as Papua at that time. Human rights issues echoed by irresponsible parties can be broken, so they can no longer reproach. Now Indonesia is ready to go even higher, the optimism gained from this achievement not only increases the degree and outlook of the Indonesian people. But also the international world is increasingly reluctant to Indonesia. Even with the increasing confidence of Indonesian citizens in the Leader of the State, President Jokowi.
) * The author is a social political observer

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