By : Syaiful *)
Four of South Sulawesi Regional General Election Commission (KPU) was invited by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, Friday. KPU member Sulsel Khaerul Mannan said fourth Sulsel Election Commission invited are Maros, Bulukumba, East Luwu and North Luwu. Not only KPU, Panwaslu and local governments in four regions were also summoned.
According Khaerul, the meeting will be held in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the building F Kemendagri Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta. Kemendagri plans will socialize Regulation No. 44 of 2015 as amended by Regulation No. 51 2015.Four of South Sulawesi Regional General Election Commission (KPU) was invited by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, Friday. KPU member Sulsel Khaerul Mannan said fourth Sulsel Election Commission invited are Maros, Bulukumba, East Luwu and North Luwu. Not only KPU, Panwaslu and local governments in four regions were also summoned.
According Khaerul, the meeting will be held in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the building F Kemendagri Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta. Kemendagri plans will socialize Regulation No. 44 of 2015 as amended by Regulation No. 51 2015.
*) The Author Is a Sulawesi Regional Contributor.