Is Prabowo Worthy of Leading Indonesia?

By: Alifah Salsabila *


General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto is known for delivering a number of criticisms to the government. Not only did he echo the slogan “Make Indonesia Great Again”, he also participated in satirizing Indonesian leaders who he said to this day did not have the courage to say about free trade policies that were put in place in Indonesia.

Not only that, Prabowo also often criticized the performance of the government, starting from his thoughts related to Indonesian sovereignty which began to be threatened due to the economic and political system which far deviated from the ideals of the nation’s founders. As a result, national sovereignty is also threatened because a few rich people want to master all aspects of life, including politics. Then the government problem is considered to have violated the Election Law, the Indonesian economy is not good and takes place without regard to the welfare of the people, weak TNI apparatus, the life of the nation and state of Indonesia which has been misguided and not in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, as well as criticism of the government continues to distribute food. The distribution of basic necessities was considered unable to strengthen the people’s economy.

The criticisms stated by Prabowo for attacking his political opponents do not reflect prospective leaders who have high professionalism and authority. Prabowo can only criticize because that is all he can do, can criticize it but never provide a solution. We can see, President Prabowo Subianto has no experience in government. He was unable to become a leader because he did not understand the needs of the community, and there was also TNI expertise in the defense and security sector so Prabowo did not understand health, education, the economy, so he was incompetent to become a current presidential candidate, compared to the Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair who already have a good track record on government, which is believed to be better able to accommodate the current state of the country.

Everyone has voting rights. Elite may be broken, but the people can choose well, our people are smart and can distinguish between facts and slander. Now we must choose who the authority will be given to the leaders who will advance. Don’t look for leaders who just want to learn but look for more experienced ones. Through the 2019 Presidential Election, let’s make the momentum to choose leaders who have no dark past history, leaders who have no traditions that are contrary to humanity, clean leaders.

) * The author is a FISIP Student at Mulawarman University Sam

Leading IndonesiapoliticalPrabowo Subianto
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