It’s natural for citizens to reject KAMI

It’s natural for citizens to reject KAMI

By: Burhanudin Muwahid )*

KAMI continue to try to attract the attention of all Indonesian citizens by making declarations and traveling safaris. But unfortunately, instead of being warmly welcomed, they were even rejected by insistent demonstrations. People who hold demonstrations reject KAMI because they are considered provocateurs and troublemakers.

The public was deeply disappointed by KAMI action. Those who should have cooled the atmosphere, provoked this and that flick. KAMI thought it could be a good material to make people sympathetic. But what happened was the opposite. KAMI even made declarations in several cities, even though we were still in the grip of a pandemic.

The KAMI Declaration in Surabaya, which was entitled to stay close to the neo-PKI, was immediately demonstrated by residents in the City of Heroes. Even the demonstration was held in 2 places. After the mass demonstration, officers from the East Java Regional Police arrived. Not to dismiss the demo, but to stop the KAMI declaration. Because there is no official permission from the manager of the building where the event took place.

Rejection of KAMI also occurred in West Nusa Tenggara. Even though the declaration had not yet taken place, residents who joined Laskar Sasak held a demonstration in front of the Hubbol Wathon Mosque. Laskar Sasak together with all civil society and students carried banners refusing that KAMI would visit their area.

Lutfi, the orator at the demonstration stated that KAMI only wanted to provoke the people. Life in the NTB area is cool and calm and they don’t want peace to be broken by KAMI bad influence. Indonesia has become a democratic country and Gatot Nurmantyo and friends should not destroy the existing state structure.

Meanwhile in the Madiun area, there were also mass demonstrations to reject KAMI presence. Especially in that city and East Java Province. Budi Santoso, coordinator of the demonstration, stated that the protest against KAMI being declared as having the goal of defending Indonesia’s unity. Because they are worried that they will break the country’s peace.

From the many rejections in various regions, it is clear that people do not like KAMI presence. Because they did the modus operandi by planning to make a declaration, but in reality it provoked the people. Because they accused the government of not paying attention to Indonesia, whereas in fact the opposite happened.

The community also rejects KAMI because they are considered not providing the right solution to overcome the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. KAMI want to save Indonesia, but only by traveling and lecturing safaris. Can listening to what I say be full? Of course not. If you want to save Indonesia, it’s better to open a lot of jobs.

The KAMI Declaration which was dissolved in Surabaya was also rejected because it took the theme of neo-communism. They created fear of a new style of PKI. Ordinary people will think that the PKI really still exists, even though it has been disbanded by Pak Harto. If this provocation continues, the people will be more stressed and KAMI will even increase the burden on their minds.

Therefore, it is only natural that KAMI withdraw and be patient until the Covid-19 pandemic ends. Don’t even go to many cities by reason of the declaration. What is an additional declaration for if the declaration in Jakarta is known by many people? If there is rejection, then don’t blame the people for demonstrating. Because they want to rebuke KAMI.

Don’t be influenced by KAMI provocation and instead support their presence in various regions. Because they already have a political mission and like to provoke the people. In order to join in hating the government and side with US as an opposition organization. KAMI forget that many people are politically smart and demonstrate from the heart, not because they are paid.

)* The author is a citizen living in Blitar

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