Jokowi’s Voice Not Chased By Prabowo

Jokowi’s Voice Not Chased By Prabowo

By: Dany Ramadhan) *

Although Prabowo has declared victory based on his internal quickcount, Real Count while the KPU states that Jokowi is 56.7 percent ahead, while Prabowo is 43.83 percent with more than 50 percent of the votes cast.

In addition, the results of quick counts or quick counts conducted by credible survey institutions have never missed the official results of the General Election Commission (KPU). Because, the quick count is based on the scientific method and can be accounted for.

Most of the quick counts of the 2019 Presidential Election, showed that candidate number 01 Jokowi – Mufuf had won an average of around 55 percent. While Prabowo – Sandiaga still cannot overtake Jokowi Maufuf with a score of 45 percent.

Quick counts on all credible survey institutions even they convey their methods to the public as a form of accountability.

Representative of Aspiration House, Umbas said that he was optimistic that Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin could win the Presidential Election with double digit votes. He also said that Prabowo – Sandiaga could not possibly surpass Jokowi’s voice – Amin

Umbas also explained that the Jokowi couple – Ma’ruf Amin increasingly gained significant votes in the process of counting the votes. Moreover, the results of the input C1 recapitulation in Situng KPU have reached 51 percent.

 “If there are those who do not want to admit to the quick count, then the Situng KPU real count is clear and very transparent. Can be seen by the entire community through the KPU website. The count’s real trend is unstoppable, confirming the victory of Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin.

In Blitar, Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin received fantastic results, where the recapitulation of the vote count showed the candidate pair 01 obtained 638,096 votes. Whereas 02 only earned 110,751 votes or around 17 percent of the votes.

Regarding the election participation, Blitar Regency has a target of 77.5 percent of the total Permanent Voters List (DPT) of 943,840 people. That was a record of the success of the Blitar KPU because there were 766,939 voters who used their voting rights. Or around 83.39 percent of the total DPT.

The recapitulation itself was colored by drama, where the recapitulation results were repeated because the officers were wrong in giving data to the KPU Chairperson.

In addition, there is a lack of lighting that makes the KPU have to be assisted by a flashlight when reading the recitation.

Even at the polling station where the BPN Board of Trustees Amien Rais exercised his right to vote. Candidate pair serial number 01 is superior to almost 2 times the votes obtained by Prabowo – Sandiaga at TPS 123.

The Chairman of 123 KPPS in Condongcatur Village, Khitmatul Huda said that Jokowi – Ma’ruf had won 158 votes, while Prabowo – Sandiaga only received 80 votes.

On a different occasion, Member of the Ethics Council of the Indonesian Survey and Public Opinion Association (Persepi), Hamdi Muluk, explained that the vote counting information system or Situng which had reached 55 percent of the votes had been able to predict the final outcome of the presidential election.

Although there are still 45 percent of C1 forms that have not been inputted, according to Hamdi, the results will not be significantly different from the results of quick counts of various survey institutions

The University of Indonesia Political Psychologist said that Situng is a domain for scientific conclusions. “Constitutional certainty, if sued, legal certainty will later be in the Constitutional Court,” he said.

He also said that the real count and quick count would not be very different if the quick count was carried out by scientific procedures, for example not manipulating sampling, not falsifying C1 forms and maintaining all scientific procedures.

 “The results are only different from the real count, which is calculated to be complete, at most 0.5 percent to 1 percent.”

Inas Nasrullah Zubir as the TKN spokesman said that the figures in the Situng KPU showed that the victory of the Jokowi – Maufuf candidate could no longer be doubted. He also questioned the attitude of the Prabowo-Sandi camp which until now still continues to build the narrative of winning the 2019 Presidential Election.

He also responded to the circulation of the video ustadz Haikal Hasan, who asked with a pleading voice in pity so that Jokowi would step down legowo from the 2019 presidential election and submit it to Prabowo Subianto. He was surprised at the purpose of the video. Could Prabowo’s camp be desperate?

With the facts, of course it is time for people to move on, because contestation has been completed, and of course all communities are obliged to participate in developing Indonesia further forward.

) * The author is a social media activist, living in Yogyakarta

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