KAMI Didn’t Get Public Trust

KAMI Didn’t Get Public Trust

By: Made Raditya )*

KAMI existence surprised the public because they contained senior and well-known figures. Unfortunately their popularity is not used for good, but united to sue and blaspheme the government. The community lost confidence, because the 8 demands of KAMI were not based on facts.

Have you heard of KAMI (the coalition to save Indonesia)? The group initiated by Din Syamsudin admitted that he wanted to save this country because it was considered to be in a battered state. They held a declaration on August 18 at the Pancasila Monument and admitted that they would hold similar events in all cities in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, KAMI steps in popularizing their group are like tapping water on a pan, splashing their own faces. They want to have a place in the hearts of the people, but they are blasphemed. Because holding a declaration event in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic and it is unethical because we are currently concerned. Moreover, in the event there were many violations of health protocols.

The public also does not sympathize with KAMI because they can only demonize the government and ask for 8 demands to be granted immediately. Even the demands were read out twice during the declaration. This shows the behavior of those who seek attention only. If you want to save Indonesia, don’t blame each other and divide the people.

Public trust in KAMI is nil because they explain the ugliness of the government but not based on reality. For example, allegations that the government does not take care of people affected by the corona. In fact, all parties, from the poor, private employees, to the unemployed, receive assistance in the form of basic necessities or cash.

In addition, KAMI continue to incite the people to hate the government which is said to be unfair. Even though the president has tried to practice the principles of social justice for all Indonesian people. You do this by holding a national economic recovery program, supporting research on the combination of corona drugs and vaccines, and drafting a pro-people bill.

When KAMI started expanding outside Jakarta, many parties rejected it. As happened in Madiun City. There was a peaceful action by a joint NGO in the city of Brem who opposed the coalition to save Indonesia. They united at the Honesty Padlock Monument and refused KAMI entry to East Java, especially to the Madiun area and its surroundings.

Budi Santoso, the coordinator of the peace action stated that they did not sympathize and reject KAMI because they wanted to maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. If KAMI continue to persecute, it is feared that it will cause division in this country. Moreover, KAMI 8 demands were very unrealistic and they forced the president to resign.

Apart from Madiun, there was also an action against KAMI in Bandung. A number of people held a demonstration in front of Gedung Sate to express their opinion on the coalition to save Indonesia. In essence, KAMI are prohibited from entering the Parahyangan area. Because there was already a political aroma from this group.

The number of KAMI objections shows the low level of public trust in KAMI. KAMI leaders forget that today’s society is smart and politically literate. So you know what is good and what is a hoax and is not easily lied to and provoked.

The people also understand why KAMI are so passionate about attacking the government. Because they feel that President Joko Widodo is not according to their wishes. When KAMI leaders do not perform hajj because they no longer have positions in the government, all that can be done is to blaspheme and break the unity of the people.

When people’s trust in KAMI is very low, just stop. There is no need for volume 2 declarations or blasphemies that fly from the mouths of its members. Rather than being busy demanding the government, it is better to participate in overcoming the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, volunteering to do tracing corona patients or donate masks.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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