KAMI existence is a new problem amid the Covid-19 pandemic

KAMI existence is a new problem amid the Covid-19 pandemic

By: Raavi Ramadhan )*

The Coalition for the Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) was considered a wrong step because it made a public declaration. In fact, some of their members are former officials who of course know their attitude in expressing protests. The 8 demands to the government should not be read out in public, because they only seem to seek attention.

The KAMI Declaration on August 18 left a long tail, because it violated many health protocols. There are some members who lower their masks or only use face shields. The declaration was also attended by hundreds of people and did not keep their distance. So it is feared that it will become an area for the transmission of the Covid-19 virus from fellow people without symptoms.

Apart from that, the presence of KAMI was also considered less elegant because at the time of the declaration it only read out harsh demands to the government. As if the president and his government can only save Indonesia. Even though as good citizens, they can help save this country by creating jobs or donating.

Arif Poyuono, a politician from the Gerindra Party stated that KAMI should convey our opinion directly to the parties that support President Jokowi, including the PDI-P. Alternatively, they can directly audition with Mrs. Megawati as the chairman of the PDIP, to launch protests when they are not satisfied with the government’s performance.

If the KAMI leaders can control their emotions and egos, then the steps to meet Megawati’s mother face to face are much better. Because it is more polite and elegant. Instead of getting angry while reading 8 demands to the government, up to 2 times. From this, they can see their desire to be heard by the public and the declaration becomes an arena for the mass media to spot them.

KAMI members such as Din Syamsudin and Said Didu are former state officials. They should know what the rules of the game are in expressing opinions and protesting to the government. President Joko Widodo also welcomed input with open arms. So there is no need to protest with emotions that explode like a child.

Even if you cannot hear directly with the president or with Megawati’s mother, you can still convey input. For example, through DPR members who clearly represent the aspirations of the people. Or it could be via Instagram because the president is also quite active on social media. So the opinions of KAMI members are conveyed gracefully, without any impression of being forced.

If they make a large-scale declaration to the point of violating health protocols, it will be seen what their motive was in establishing KAMI. Even though they are evasive when it comes to politics, it is clear that they want to be known again and are planning to run for president in 2024. So want to increase popularity again.

In one of KAMI’s demands for the government, it was also stated that the government must be responsible for overcoming an economic recession, even though Indonesia did not fall into a recession. In fact, many people are prosperous, even able to buy bicycles that cost tens of millions of rupiah. This false accusation has made our name tarnished in the public eye.

KAMI members also demand that large and foreign entrepreneurs not be defended. Why is it anti foreign? In fact, since the New Order era there have been investment collaborations with foreign investors. This investment is also mutually beneficial. So when there is a stereotype that is said by them that foreigners are harmful, it is really wrong.

It’s a shame when many of our members are senior and experienced figures, but forget to maintain ethics when expressing their opinions. Claims against the government that are harsh and not based on reality have become ignored by the public. They are even seen as just looking for attention.

KAMI should remember that in expressing opinions and protesting against the government, there are rules and attitudes that must be maintained. Don’t make demands, but you can be subject to the article on hate speech because it can only curse and demonize the government. But they forgot to provide real solutions.

)* The author is active in the Cikini Student Fund Press Circle

Covid-19existenceKAMInew problemPandemic
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