KAMI Maneuvers Create Country Turmoil

KAMI Maneuvers Create Country Turmoil

By: Made Raditya )*

The Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) continues to create turmoil in the country. Apart from riding on labor actions, KAMI often make unlicensed declarations and play the role of victim (playing victim) to seek public sympathy.

Bareskrim investigators at the National Police Headquarters decided to postpone the investigation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) Ahmad Yani regarding the development of an anarchist demonstration case against the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja on October 8, 2020 which led to the arrest of a number of US activists.

Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said the reason for postponing the summons was because investigators were still concentrating on the process with the ongoing legal process.

On the other hand, Awi stressed, all decisions are entirely up to the investigators from the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit regarding whether Ahmad Yani will be called back as a witness.

Previously, Ahmad Yani’s Executive Committee (KAMI) refused to attend the investigation at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit regarding the development of an anarchist demonstration case against the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja on October 8, 2020 which led to the arrest of a number of US activists in Jakarta.

However, Yani claimed that he had not received a summons from the Police Criminal Investigation Unit regarding his examination as a witness.

Previously, the police had revealed that the arrests of eight people in Medan and Jakarta were related to the demonstration against the Job Creation Law.

The arrest was carried out by the Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime, Bareskrim Polri and the cyber team from the North Sumatra Police.

On October 9, 2020, the North Sumatra Police Cyber ​​team arrested the KAMI Head of Medan Khairi Amri.

Then, on 10 October 2020, the team captured JG and NZ. Then, the police arrested WRP on October 12, 2020.

The police arrested them in connection with a demonstration against the Omnibus Law which ended in North Sumatra.

In addition, the police also arrested Anton Permana, who was also a senior KAMI who was in the Rawamangun area.

Awi explained that they were suspected of violating Article 45A paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning ITE and / or Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning sedition.

Previously, Golkar politician Sarmuji considered that the demands made by the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia (KAMI) to the government were inappropriate.

Golkar views that so far, the government has been working optimally, especially in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the health and economic sectors.

He explained that what the government had done had all met KAMI demands, even went beyond. The government has even integrated health management with economic recovery so that the two do not cancel each other out, even become complementary steps.

This member of the Golkar faction said that KAMI showed an impression as a group that seemed to have turned a blind eye to the government’s good performance so far. Especially for the lower class.

He explained that the government had taken many steps and had allocated and spent hundreds of trillions to overcome the impact of covid-19. Namely, through the national economic recovery program, especially for MSMEs, interest subsidies for credit relaxation, especially for small businesses, support for corporations and SOEs and several other steps.

Previously, Muhammad Kapitra Ampera as an Indonesian legal expert considered that the formation of KAMI was full of political interests. The demands and also the actions he will carry out are also considered unclear. This is because currently Indonesia is quite good governance. In fact, he saw an economic recovery that collapsed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kapitra considered that KAMI had other goals and purposes related to its rescue mission. Their declaration to save Indonesia is still questionable, whether they want to save the nation from adversity or because of their desire to gain a political stage.

Political Communication Expert Iman Sholeh, M.Si said that the actions carried out by KAMI were more inclined towards hatred and anti-government movements that were deliberately raised during the Covid-19 pandemic. This action was carried out in a structured, systematic and massive manner with the aim of disrupting the government’s performance in efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and efforts to recover the economy.

Iman also advised the government to take a stand on this action. Especially if the action only provokes the masses and provides criticism without a solution. Because it only disturbs the government’s performance.

Therefore, KAMI are indeed a movement that deserves to be watched out for, especially at the beginning of its declaration, this movement has had frequent contact with the police and resistance from the public.

)* The author is a socio-political observer, active in the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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