Key For Peacefull Election

Key For Peacefull Election

CIDISS. In the coming months, as many as 171 districts will be holding concurrent regional head elections. The readiness of the organizers is also an important key, so that the unwanted events in the pilkada in previous years did not reoccur. Based on the opinion of a number of parties, there are at least three things that must be considered by the organizers in order to succeed the implementation of the Election 2018.

The first is the capacity and competence of the organizer officers in the field, both the Kecamatan Selection Committee (PPK), the Voting Committee (PPS) and the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS). When looking at the process behind, there have been problems due to the organizers do not control the rules of elections so that miscommunication arise among participants elections. Therefore, it is necessary for the ranks of the organizers to get technical guidance, training, and have a good insight regarding the rules of the implementation of elections.

The next problem is related to E-ID card that until now there are some areas that have not yet all the population have E-ID card. The problem, E-ID card can be a matter of debate a number of paslon to fight for support. This is quite significant when it occurs in conflict-prone areas that may hamper the Pilkada stages.

Next is the vulnerability of direct conflict between political parties and supporters. To prevent this from happening, there is a need for a powerful conflict management system from the government so that the problems can be dealt with immediately before the scale gets bigger.

If you see the above, realizing the peaceful elections is not difficult, but also not easy. But this is easy if all stakeholders involved are willing to work together and bring about peaceful elections.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

Peacefull Electionregional head electionsthe Kecamatan Selection Committee (PPK)the Voting Committee (PPS)the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS)
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