Key Innovations Facing Industrial Competition 4.0

Key Innovations Facing Industrial Competition 4.0

By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The industrial era 4.0 needs to be responded to by business and government organizations. Adaptation must be done by creating innovation in order to be able to survive in an increasingly tight era of industrial competition.

Facing this industrial era, the Director of Innovation Strengthening Kemenristekdikti Jumain Appe emphasized the importance of human resource development, as well as research and development of innovation. Both of these are the keys to being able to compete in the current period.

In the Indonesia Innovation Award 2019 (IIA) in Jakarta, Jumain Appe said, because of that, the government would encourage the development of human resources which in 2020 would be the main focus.

Then related to research and development of innovation, the government wants not only to do research, but to see its needs. Even if Appe adds that what is needed by industry 4.0 is what we directly do to determine the products that will be developed and produced.

As one step to spur the government and the private sector to continue to innovate, Biskom magazine and the National Association of Information and Communication Technology Entrepreneurs (Aptiknas) give appreciation to the government and the private sector. Appreciation is given for the successful development of innovation through the 2019 Indonesia Innovation Award (IIA).

IIA 2019 is supported by the Director General of Innovation Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education; academics (ICT Institute); Association of All Indonesian Cities (Apeksi); PT Alvara’s market research institutions, as well as several other institutions.

Chairman of the IIA 2019 Organizing Committee Soegiharto Santoso said the purpose of this activity was to improve the competitiveness of the company. Also to encourage the productivity and efficiency of the company and to develop a culture of innovation and creativity.

In addition, the organizers want to give appreciation to innovative corporations and publish to related parties such as companies, investors, financial institutions, and the government. Soegiharto said that the National Narcotics Agency has 27 DPDs throughout Indonesia and has 3 work programs, namely smart city, e-commerce, and digital talent.

The importance of innovation to face the 4.0 industrial revolution. innovation in the midst of current technological changes is expected to open up new opportunities to create jobs.

4.0 Industrial RevolutionCompetitionIndustrialKey Innovations
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