By: Firza Ahmad) *
The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) returned to action by burning a commercial aircraft belonging to PT MAF in Intan Jaya, Papua. This has been confirmed by the Head of Kogabwilhan III, Colonel Czi IGN Suriastawa via short message.
According to him, MAF’s PK MAK plane was scheduled to fly to Intan Jaya at 06.00 WIT. The plane flew for a few minutes, but due to bad weather conditions, the plane had to return to Nabire.
Suriaswata said that after the weather improved, the plane was scheduled to fly back to Intan Jaya at 09.40 WIT. However, at that time there was a buildup of passengers who ended up fighting over seats, that’s where KKB provoked until they finally set fire to the plane.
He considered this incident as a follow-up to the statement that the KKB had issued by threatening every civilian flight in the Papua and West Papua regions.
This brutal action began with the shooting of several civilian planes including a few days ago the shooting of a PT Freeport Indonesia helicopter and currently burning the MAF aircraft.
He also appealed to the public not to be easily provoked by the fury of the KKB, to remain calm and to help the government to develop Papua and West Papua so that they can progress and prosper.
On a different occasion, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes AM Kamal, said that the burning of the plane was allegedly carried out by KKB.
In the incident, pilot Alex Luferheck who is a citizen of the United States survived the incident after being rescued by priests.
The pilot has reported that the plane landed at Pagamba Airport properly at 09.30 WIT.
Furthermore, one of the alleged members of the KKB asked the pilot to disembark, the arrival of the person suspected of being KKB was seen carrying a gun and shooting into the air while telling the pilot to duck.
At that time, the pilot was secured by priests and the community to Kampung Tekai, the border between Bugalaga and Pagamba villages, Mblandoga District, Intan Jaya Regency. Then the plane was brutally burned by KKB.
The burning of the MAF aircraft was finally detected by the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) which then asked the MAF foundation to check the plane.
Kamal said that the burning of the MAF aircraft was detected by BASARNAS. BASARNAS also asked the MAF Foundation in Nabire to check the condition of the aircraft.
Now, Alex has been evacuated to Nabire, Kamal said that the pilot’s condition was in a traumatic condition. Pilot Alex was flown to Nabire on a VIDA helicopter.
Meanwhile, the KKB has stated that it is responsible for the incident.
According to the KKB, his party had announced that it would target aircraft carrying the TNI and Polri. The reason is also clear that last year, the management of Komnas TPNPB-OPM headquarters had announced that if civilian helicopters and commercial civilian aircraft were to transport members of the TNI and Polri, the TPNPB was ready to shoot.
On a different occasion, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol Paulus Waterpauw said geographic conditions were a barrier for officers trying to reach these locations.
However, the Papua Police have requested the assistance of the Nemangkawi Task Force (Satgas) to join forces with other personnel to reach these locations.
According to him, Intan Jaya Police Chief AKBP I Wayan G Antara also could not report information regarding the distance to the location from downtown Intan Jaya Regency.
Apart from personnel from the Intan Jaya Police, the Nabire Police also dispatched a number of members to reach the scene of the MAF plane burning.
Paulus said that the incident of burning the plane had been reported to the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis.
According to Paulus, the National Police Chief had ordered the Papua Police personnel to pursue the arsonists.
Previously, Pdt. Albert Yoku as a religious leader has appealed to the people of Papua to avoid anything that could cause riots and chaos on the Earth of Cenderawasih.
From this incident, it clearly shows that the KKB is a group that likes to stir up chaos in the land of Papua, even though the Papuan people themselves have shown their commitment to keep Papua a peaceful region.
) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor
KKB is back to take brutal action