Kobar’s Worker Less Understand BPJS

Worker Demonstration: A thousand workers who joined in confederation of Indonesian worker (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia /KSPSI) did long march from Hotel Indonesia circle to Istana Negara, Jakarta.
Worker Demonstration: A thousand workers who joined in confederation of Indonesian worker (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia /KSPSI) did long march from Hotel Indonesia circle to Istana Negara, Jakarta.

By: Fuad *)

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The existence of the national board of social security (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial/BPJS) as the social security of worker is less understands by worker of Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan.

Although BPJS has given socialization through worker, but their explanation of BPJS was less understood by worker. They assume, they must pay by their own money to BPJS, meanwhile social security program is obligation to each company.

But actually, according to government regulation (Perpres) No. 111/2013, July 2015, BPJS payment scheme is 5% from salary with details is 4% for company and 1% by worker.

It was said by confederation of Indonesian worker (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia /KSPSI) regency of Kotawaringin Barat that they declare to company side to register their worker to BPJS.

“In one side, worker must register to BPJS, but worker need to pay BPJS by their own,” said Parmin, committee of Work Unit (Pengurus Unit Kerja / PUK) KSPSI PT Indoturba Tengah in the dwipartit 30 PUK meeting with Government of Kotawaringin Barat, like quote in Borneo News, Sunday (10/5/2015).

Meanwhile, chief of service of BPJS laborer, branch of Pangkalan Bun, Dian Zulfikar explained that based on new rule, all of work who worked by company, must get protection packet from BPJS laborer.

Dian added, these packets consist by safety protecting, death protecting and old age benefits. All packet of BPJS laborer can get for both daily and permanent labor; even they get this protection since first day they worked.

“That is packet of BPJS labor, the problem was in the health service. That’s in BPJS of Health. We always monitor company, if there was a work who don’t get BPJS laborer, we will deliver a letter and warning to company,” said Dian.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor

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