Labor Demo Because of the Hoax of the Omnibus Law Bill

By: Agung Priyatna )*

The realization of the Omnibus Law, which is currently being drafted by the Government, is proven to still have resistance from a handful of labor elements. The existence of rejection and demonstrations by workers rejecting Omnibus Law was strongly suspected because the group was affected by the growing hoax.

In connection with the Omnibus Law Bill, which is currently being drafted by the Government and the Parliament, actually triggered demonstrations from the Workers. However, some parties are of the opinion that participants of the demonstration did not understand the contents of the Omnibus Law Bill.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD considered, there was a misunderstanding from the workers and several parties related to the omnibus law. Among them is the accusation that Omnibus Law will facilitate the government to ‘conspire’ with foreign parties.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court said, the issue was made a hoax, moreover he said to make it easier for China to enter Indonesia. So it is often misinterpreted omnibus law about investment is only a small part.

He also emphasized that the bill would still be discussed in the DPR. If there are workers or other parties who object to the substance of the Omnibus Law, then it can be conveyed directly to the government and the Parliament.

In addition, there is also a hoax regarding the elimination of halal certification. This was revealed by the Chairperson of the National Labor Union Confederation (KSPN) Ristadi, who claimed to have received a number of messages via WhatsApp, e-mail and Facebook that were suggestive.

The message was written that the Omnibus law of the Employment Creation Bill would remove the halal certificate label for food that circulated throughout Indonesia.

The statement or message, according to him, quoted from one of the draft of the Employment Copyright Bill which was recently circulated, where in the Bill erased article 4 and so on from law Number 33 of 2014 will be revoked.

In fact, the Government has stated that it has not yet issued an official draft of the Employment Copyright Bill.

Ristadi said, in every meeting he had conducted, both with Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, with Menaker Ida Fauziyah, with the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, and also the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, all had stated that the government had not yet issued an official draft.

He also firmly said, the government said it did not know and was not responsible for the draft circulated.

However, incitement in various social media has invited the workers to reject the omnibus law because it is considered to be miserable for the workers.

Worse, the firebrand said not only miserable in the world, but also in the afterlife because the omnibus law is considered to revoke the halal food label in Indonesia.

In fact, Indonesian Vice-President Ma’ruf Amin has expressly said that the government did not abolish the obligation of halal certification in the draft omnibus law on the Employment Copyright Bill. Instead the government will make it easier for MSMEs to get halal certification.

In line with the statement of Ma’ruf Amin, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) straightened out the issue of eliminating the obligation of halal certification for products circulating in Indonesia in the Employment Copyright Omnibus Bill. He said that this was not true.

The head of the halal registration and certification center of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) Mastuki has denied the government’s intention to abolish the halal certification obligation.

Mastuki said that the direction of the adjustment was to simplify the process, not stop halal-certified obligations. Because from the beginning there was no discourse to stop halal-certified obligations.

Mastuki said that he was directly involved in the formulation of the bill. According to him, the article on halal certification obligation is included in the list of articles to be discussed.

Ristadi added that the message he received was also accompanied by provocative invitations to workers and laborers as well as Muslims in Indonesia to reject the omnibus law of the Employment Copyright Bill and at the same time lowered President Jokowi’s government which was accused of causing misery to the people.

He considered, from the message he got, there were certain groups who wanted to encourage religious sentiment to become one of the ammunition to reject the Cipta Karya Job Field.

If seen from past experience, when religious sentiment is used as a tool to reject government policy, then it is used to strike down government policies proven to be effective in gaining attention and support from Indonesian people who are predominantly Muslim.

This shows that critical thinking should not arise because provoked by incitement that is far from the truth, a critical attitude is certainly necessary but not because of incitement to do unethical things.

)* The author is a social political observer

DemohoaxLaborOmnibus Law
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