Law enforcement in Papua has been carried out according to the rules and is defensive in nature. With the enforcement of the law, it is hoped that security stability in Papua can be maintained.
In Pancasila, it is stated ‘social justice for all Indonesian people’. This sentence can be interpreted as giving a sense of justice to all circles of society, both the rich and the poor. Justice was also carried out not only in Java but also in other islands, including Papua. The reason is because Indonesia is a state of law so that justice must be upheld as high as possible.
To overcome legal problems in Papua, more attention is needed because there are disturbances from rebel groups. The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) often disturbs the peace of the community by carrying out attacks, even killings. Therefore they were eradicated by the Cartenz Peace Task Force and then brought to court so that there is law enforcement in Papua.
Papuan community leader Komjen Paulus Waterpauw stated that the Papuan conflict must be faced with law enforcement, because everyone must obey state rules. The law must be the leader in solving problems. If the law goes well, the country will be good too.
Komjen Paulus Waterpauw added that law enforcement must be enforced because KST has sharp weapons and then commits violence against the Papuan people. They even had the heart to burn down people’s houses. He once again reminded that Indonesia is a state of law so that every crime must be punished.
The attack carried out by KST is already a criminal act because when someone scares another person with a sharp weapon, it is against the law and can be subject to Article 351. Besides that, there are also KST members who carry illegal firearms and that clearly violates Article 5 paragraph 1 Law number 8 of 1948.
Moreover, if they commit murder, KST members can be sentenced to 20 years to life in prison, even the death penalty. It depends on the judge’s decision. This severe punishment was deemed appropriate because KST had committed a criminal act in the form of premeditated murder.
KST members can also be subject to Article 406 of the Criminal Code for damaging public facilities, in the case of school fires. They face a sentence of 2 years and 8 months. The punishment was deemed appropriate because they made losses of up to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Not to mention the teachers and students are also stressed because they cannot organize the learning and teaching process so that there are psychological losses.
Law enforcement against KST must be done fairly because they are indeed guilty of committing crimes and other crimes. Moreover, his actions not only once or twice, but many times. The parties that were attacked were not only security forces but also civilians, so KST must be eradicated and punished for the security of the Papuan people.
The Papuan people support law enforcement on Earth of Cendrawasih so that there is justice and they do not support KST at all. If there are KST members who are caught, they are even grateful because it means the situation is getting more conducive. They are no longer afraid of KST.
If KST members are arrested and punished then no one should say that this is a violation of human rights. The reason is because it was KST that committed human rights violations, because they killed residents and committed violations. The criminals should not be defended because that is not the law in Indonesia.
Law enforcement must be carried out in Papua so that people feel safe without any criminal interference, including from KST. If any KST member is caught, it is only natural that they should be prosecuted because this shows the law that applies also in Papua. Law enforcement must be carried out as high as possible because Indonesia is a state of law.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta