By: Iswar Riyadi *)
Jakarta, CIDISS – After the implementation of simultaneous elections December 9, 2015, a number of problems arise in the area. Problems that commonly occurs is the rejection of election results are considered unfair, and fraudulent. Since opened a chance to sue the result of elections on December 16, 2015 and closed on December 22, 2015, the Constitutional Court (MK) has received as many as 88 lawsuits of election results.
When we compared the number of districts where simultaneously elections are conducted, 204 local area, the number of such claims doesn’t reach to 50 percent. So, those number of lawsuits were not be a very big problem. Besides that, lawsuit to the MK is a legitimate way to claims elections results in the eyes of the law. In addition, lawsuits to the MK is the only way that can be done by any person to carry out tests on the results of the elections that have taken place.
So, what has the problem now? The problem is the impact of the MK’s decision on the disputed election which may not comply with the will of the plaintiff. What’s worse is if it acted with anarchic action, as happened in North Kalimantan, a number of candidate supporters who do not accept the election results burnt Hall Office of the Governor of North Borneo building. Of course, we do not want it to happen again, especially after the Court gave its verdict related to dispute the results.
When someone intends to go forward as a candidate in the elections of regional heads, then they should have a readiness. Must be thoroughly readiness, i.e. readiness to accept a victory and readiness to accept a defeat. Readiness to accept the defeat is the most important readiness which have to be owned by the prospective governor or mayor in a local area.
If one of the candidates was dissatisfied with the results of the elections, he can be sued in the Court. Then, after the Court decision produced, there were the expected readiness to accept the defeat should be displayed by the candidate. In terms of Java, that attitude called by “legowo” or gracefully.
In addition “legowo” attitude, the mayor or governor candidates were also expected to have a warrior attitude that recognized victory and accept the defeat. Not only that, they also have to follow and support the various programs of the elected chief of region.
By having some of those attitude, then we will no longer preoccupied with the enmity shown by the political elite. And, Indonesia will be more advanced because the political elite has grown and put forward the development of this nation. Therefore, all prospective chief of region that has not been selected are expected to be “legowo” to accept whatever the decision of the Court. [IR]
*) Jakarta Contributor