Let maintain Conducive Situation facing Election

CIDISS. The election democracy party simultaneously lived counting the days. Precisely on 27 June will be determined by the government as a national holiday because it becomes a democracy event that will be implemented in 171 regions divided into 17 provinces, 39 cities and 115 districts.

The government gives people the opportunity to cast their votes to 569 couples in 171 regions in the region which has been established with joy and is expected to take place peacefully and peacefully in order to maintain the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Even in keeping the elections peaceful, the Police of the Republic of Indonesia is fully committed to anticipate the things that are not desired by doing various things including Operation Mantap Praja. As stated by Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya, Police Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono.

In addition, Argo said it has prepared a security strategy to prevent conflicts and create security in organizing a democratic party for elections to the 2018 simultaneous regions that live today. Argo Yuwono said the police would certainly anticipate the vulnerability that would and may occur during the implementation of the elections simultaneously.

Argo Yuwono explained, this year there are elections simultaneously, there are in Polres Depok, Bekasi Police and Resort Police Tangerang. In Depok related to the election of West Java Governor. Then there is also associated with the Mayor in Bekasi and Tangerang. In connection with that, we need a briefing for the device Polres, Kapolres, Kasatreserse. So there are FGD activities (Focus Group Discussion), presenting Chairman of Bawaslu West Java and KPU West Java.

Argo Yuwono said that the society is expected to maintain the conduciveness of the elections simultaneously in peace so as not to harm democracy as a child of reform.

He said that the loss of us all as children of the nation if it does not carry out Election peacefully, because it threatens the wholeness of nation and state, do not spread hate speech contains SARA, hoax and, fake. We are only committed that the state stands on diversity as mandated by the founders of the nation.

While on many occasions in different places, General Tito Karnavian also often said he would field hundreds of thousands of personnel for this democratic party event. He said at least a total of 1. 107,310 consisting of TNI, Police and members of Linmas involved in securing the upcoming local elections. Tito said the number of security personnel from the Police is 184,013, TNI 99,559 and Linmas personnel is 823,738. Later as usual there is a division of the ring one, ring two and ring three of TPS (Voting Place) which we consider safe and very safe prone.

Let’s create a peaceful Election with the Police of the Republic of Indonesia so that the ideals of a peaceful and quality democracy can be realized. Remembering Election as a peaceful, peaceful and peaceful democracy party is the dream of all the people of Indonesia and the world, so let us take advantage of the democracy party festivities in this electoral election to choose qualified leaders while maintaining a peaceful situation.

By: Andre Rahman*)

Conducive Situation facing Electionfakehoax andkeeping the elections peacefulSARAThe election democracy party simultaneouslythe Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
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