By: Muzdalifah Putri )*

After the incident of racism against Papuan students in East Java, there was a wave of demonstrations in a number of areas in the country by sympathizers and the people of Papua. In their actions, they demand that racists be dealt with firmly in accordance with applicable law. Unfortunately, in carrying out these actions there had been peaceful actions in several areas, creating an atmosphere that was not conducive.

In this regard, the West Papua Provincial Government held a face-to-face meeting with Forkopimda and across ethnic, racial and religious lines to make the City of Manokwari return to a safe, cool and peaceful Gospel City. This joint agreement will be the commitment and agreement of all parties in West Papua.

On this occasion, Deputy Governor of West Papua Mohammad Lakotani said that he gathered all parties, along with all representatives of the nation’s children, to help the security forces to realize security in the City of Manokwari and West Papua in general. In addition, to support the conducive atmosphere in West Papua, he asked the state civil servants (ASN) to return to their usual activities.

Until now, conditions in West Papua are conducive, even though they cause a sense of trauma to the community. It is hoped that all activities in the City of Manokwari can be carried out again. It should be remembered that the chaotic situation created does not benefit any party, even more harming the community. Indonesia is a people who love peace and Papua is one part of Indonesia.

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