LGBT Hazards

Stop Hands for LGBT
Stop Hands for LGBT

By: Norman Triangga *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Instinctively man was created by grooming among men and women. Relationships to foster home and had a descent through the normal process of biological relationships. Normal and healthy life is the key for the tranquility of life. But what if the relationship diverge as what LGBT people?

That matter is now public attention. The existence of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community environment is nothing new. But since the first existence was already visible. However, less attention from the government or religious institutions. They seemed to be left without coaching. Because, where they were judged not to cause unrest. However, the threat ripples began to appear visible in Indonesia. Lately LGBT become a warm conversation because of their desire to obtain legal entity of the government.

The debate about LGBT actually not so clear, although it appears the various actions everywhere. There is refused, there is also a support. The people who declined say that LGBT means mimics the behavior of Luth Prophet. Which supports, use the arguments of humanity in the form of rights principle as a human being.

In principle, any custom views of history and culture that exists throughout Indonesia had always been paired male with female and confirmed a couple does not consist of fellow. In addition, any religion never taught their fellow mate contained in LGBT. As a civilized man and the religious man must adhere to the way of life that had been created by God. One of them to live in pairs between men and women. One of them to live in pairs between men and women.

LGBT existence should not be legalized. Therefore, we do not want LGBT affects children and disrupt the social fabric of the nation in the future. It is against the law and the state. Come on, move, treat and provide an understanding of the LGBT HAZARDS if among families, nearest and our neighbors there are the irregularities in sexual behavior. Do not let the opportunity LGBT thrive in our beloved country. There is a clause in the bill or not LGBT-related Criminal Code, customs and culture of Indonesia reject the deviant behavior. Even we have or not RUU KUHP about LGBT, our customs and culture of Indonesia reject the digression.

Therefore, to prevent the spread of the LGBT phenomenon, local governments and citizen need to undertake measures against LGBT existing persuasive territory. Through the emotional approach, local governments and citizen may provide guidance on an ongoing basis so that people who are members of the LGBT community can return to society according to nature. If they are not nurtured and restored his true identity, it will be difficult to be accepted by society. Eventually they will be ostracized and cast out of the family environment and surrounding communities. There should be coaching on an ongoing basis. [NT]

*) CIDISS Contributor

BisexualGayHistory LGBTLesbianLGBT HAZARDSLGBT phenomenonTransgender
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