Maintain National Stability Recovering Economy in Corona Pandemic

Maintain National Stability Recovering Economy in Corona Pandemic

By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

Covid-19 Pandemic hit various sectors in Indonesia, especially in the economic field. It is even feared that there will be a financial crisis and recession, because state revenues are falling dramatically. To prevent this, the community is expected to participate in maintaining national stability. So that the situation is safe and conducive to work.

When the pandemic began, the government paid attention to public health to overcome the economic crisis. This is in accordance with the words of economist Josua Pardede. So what is the relationship between public health and the economy? When many people are healthy, of course they can work with enthusiasm and improve the country’s financial condition.

To overcome the economic situation in Indonesia so as not to be plunged into a recession or economic crisis volume 2, the community is expected to cooperate with the government. You do this by maintaining national stability, in addition to compliance with health protocols. Maintaining stability is very important during this pandemic, because it has many advantages.

If the country is stable, foreign investors will come in and our finances will improve. Imagine if the people are even angry and do demonstrations every day. Or even desperate to do massive looting because of disappointment. Then it will affect the capital market. Trust in Indonesia could plummet.

In addition, when Indonesia’s social conditions are unstable, it can affect the US dollar exchange rate. This was proven when in 1998 ago. The value of the dollar against the rupiah has skyrocketed, even reaching 4 times the initial nominal, as an effect of the economic and social crisis. The chaos that is happening everywhere affects the financial condition of the country.

To maintain national stability is actually not too difficult. First of all, people must trust the government, because every presidential action must be carefully thought out. Follow all instructions from the government as before when you must stay at home and must wear a mask. When society is healthy the country can be stable and strong.

When there is social assistance from the government, help is channeled to those who are entitled. Don’t just be fooled. When everyone is honest, the people’s economy will return to stability even if slowly.

The community can also maintain national stability by helping the government and the authorities to take care of the integrity of the building of tourist objects, especially those that have historical value. No shameful vandalism. When the lockdown is over, foreign tourists will visit Indonesia, where the tour is clean and safe.

In addition, national stability can also be realized without being easily consumed by hoax news. Because right now there are people who take advantage of the moment and produce hoax news, so that the integrity of the country is scattered. Don’t easily spread the word on social media before checking the truth, and accusing the government of being wrong, even though the truth is true.

National stability can occur if we participate in maintaining national unity. Don’t be easily influenced by the issue of racism towards one tribe in Indonesia. Remember that independence is the result of the cooperation of many heroes from various tribes, and the principle of Unity in Diversity. If there is a riot, it will affect the value of the company’s shares in Indonesia.

To maintain national stability, we can also campaign peacefully and surf the Internet healthily. Because the world community can ‘peek’ the state of Indonesia from cyberspace. When displayed a friendly, safe and peaceful Indonesian face, they will want to visit again. This can generate foreign exchange in quite high amounts.

Stay calm even though you are still in the Covid-19 pandemic. Don’t get angry easily and be influenced by fake news. National stability can be realized when the community wants to cooperate with the central government and the authorities. Keep peace in Indonesia so that the economic situation is more conducive and can invite many foreign investors.

) * The author is a student of the University of Pakuan Bogor

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