Making Intolerance and Radicalism a Common Enemy

Making Intolerance and Radicalism a Common Enemy

By: Johannes Dharmana Oetoro )*

Intolerance is the initial ladder towards radical attitudes and acts of terror, so that being intolerant, radical and terror attitudes as common enemies is the right step, moreover the phenomenon and indications of the spread of intolerance seeds have penetrated throughout all lines of life, even there are facts about increasing radicalism in the environment education, where Bambang Pranowo’s study, also an anthropologist in 2011, said that 50 percent of students were exposed to radicalism and intolerance. In addition, there were 84 percent of students and 21 percent of teachers agreed that Pancasila was no longer relevant and agreed with the enforcement of Islamic law in Indonesia. Aside from being against religion, intolerance, radicalism and terror are also contrary to the ideology of Pancasila.

Environmental influences, globalization, revolution 4.0, and social media are the main causes of the emergence of radicalism and intolerance in Indonesia. The value of Pancasila has been degraded at this time because the process of empowering ideology has begun to weaken.

The emergence of radicalism and intolerance due to the understanding of shallow religion and insights that are less broad in the life of the nation and state, especially relating to diversity in Indonesia. Radicalism and intolerance can be overcome by inviting all elements of the nation to be humble in religion and to accept and be grateful for Indonesia’s diversity.

Nevertheless, stressed Dr. Zainur Wula, S.Pd, M.Sc, disagrees with the enforcement of Islamic law in Indonesia because the Pancasila ideology is considered to have governed and fulfilled the whole of the life of the Indonesian people.

“It will never give room for acts of intolerance and radicalism because it damages unity and unity in Indonesia. Besides that, Pancasila education and religion are tools that help to shape the character of a person so as to avoid exposure to radicalism and intolerance practices, “said the Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Kupang.

However, the world of education must teach and educate students to avoid exposure to radicalism and intolerance. Besides that, the media must undergo the main tool in counteracting radicalism and intolerance.

The problem of radicalism and intolerance occurs because the Indonesian people fail to understand the Indonesian nation which is multicultural, has low social solidity, and the influence of social media which is very accessible. Radicalism is growing rapidly due to the weak value education system in Indonesia. In addition, Indonesian people are too busy looking for similarities between religion and the influence of social media that can be easily accessed.

The law is one means to prevent acts of intolerance and radicalism. In addition, the public is called upon to be consistent with the application of Pancasila values ​​in the life of the Indonesian people.

The world of higher education is too pursuing normative values ​​compared to relations with others, so that the values ​​of Pancasila must be firmly held and cultivated in everyday life, because Pancasila is the result of crystallization of various values ​​in Indonesia.

It seems that the intention, determination and enthusiasm of the Indonesian people to bury intolerance, radicalism and terror in the Motherland has been strengthened and rounded, evident in various regions many elements of the nation’s people made declarations and made petitions against intolerance, anarchism, radicalism and terror, among others, carried out in Kupang , NTT by students of Nusa Cendana University and Kupang Muhamadiyah University, besides supporting the inauguration of the elected President, Ir. H. Joko Widodo and Vice President KH. Maruf Amin on October 20, 2019. Meanwhile, in Soreang Sub-district, Bandung, West Java, according to the author’s note, there was also a declaration of the Bandung Regency Mass Organization rejecting radicalism and anarchist rallies and supporting the inauguration of the President and Vice President.

*) The author is an observer of Indonesia

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