Millennial Youth are Not Afraid to Vote and Fight Against the Hoax for Indonesian Leadership and Development

Millennial Youth are Not Afraid to Vote and Fight Against the Hoax for Indonesian Leadership and Development

Author: Dedi Setiawan (Netizensfrom Serang )

Currently millennial youth are the biggest users of cyberspace in Indonesia. But unfortunately not a few users of this technology use it for negative purposes. Entering the election season, the millennial generation activities in cyberspace also influence the world of politics in the country. Not only to hail the achievements of candidates for the Election, the virtual world has become a medium for hoax publishers to bring down the election participants. As millennial youth, of course it has become an obligation to take part in counteracting various hoaxes or hoaxes that are rampant in cyberspace and ready to succeed the 2019 Election for the sake of Indonesia’s increasingly advanced future.
Nearly half of the voters who participated in the 2019 Election were millennial generations. That is why the intelligence and wisdom of the young generation needs to be improved in order to ward off hoaks that have now become a disease for the climate of democracy in Indonesia. Millennial generation must be an example as a generation that respects and respects the democratic process through non-abstentions and uses their voting rights intelligently and is ready to fight all forms of hoaxes and intimidation. The millennial generation is not afraid to choose which is based on common sense and intelligence to prevent the wrongdoing of this nation led by politicians who only want to rob the state money and do not want to work hard.
In campaigning for themselves to be smart voters, millennial generations should not receive the news they read or see on smart phones raw or in other words. Eat hoaxes and Golput provocations and intimidation. Every news should be examined and validated first before finally being disseminated on social media.
Verifying and validating the news received is important so that other people are not provoked. If the habit of verifying or filtering this news is not grown in every millennial generation, it is feared that technological progress will only have a negative impact on the country we love so much. This condition risks the sustainability of development and national leadership of this nation.
When a fake news is immediately distributed without reading the contents of the news just because the title is considered interesting, it means that indirectly we have participated in spreading kezholiman in cyberspace. The spread of hoax is not only troubling but also can cause community apathy towards the election. Because people will worry about using their voting rights because they are provoked by false news circulating. For this reason, the role of millennial youth is important in fighting the spread of hoax news. By fighting against the spread of hoaxes and presenting content content that fosters opposition based on facts and data, of course the public does not need to be afraid in using their voting rights, let alone being apathetic and choosing Golput.
Millennials as smart voters must be able to participate in realizing the success of this five-yearly democratic party. Thus, the process of sustainable development and dignified national leadership can be truly realized and implemented in Indonesia. For this reason, let’s join together to join hands against hoax by spreading positive content on social media and inviting all parties to participate in voicing their voting rights in the 2019 Election. Be smart voters who participate in fighting against hoaks for 2019 Election participation without fear and without Golput for the sake of Indonesia’s progress

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