Muffle Hoax, Arrange Scattered Unity in Diversity

By: Sofiyah Era

The democratic party is over. But the echo is still felt today. Not only the respected elite, who did not hesitate to echo their support for the champion, in order to map his ambitions. Sweet political deals adorn the universe of real and online media. No less lively, are the grass root circles who support each pair. Massively they spread psywar, assume the best is from his side. Neural wars are inevitable, so that it is not uncommon to trigger endless commotion. Such is the atmosphere of implementing democracy in a democratic country which until today has not yet found its ideal concept. Diversity that was originally born as a social binder is now being tested because of the tendency of hate speech to accompany freedom of speech, especially in the realm of social media.

In this context, young voters or those known as Generation Z are in a competitive political climate during the internet era. Unlike previous established voters who have a habit of accessing information via campaigns in print and electronic media, this generation of devices has held information through online media from the start. On one hand, those who are categorized as millennial generation and citizens are required to be responsible for the future of the nation and state. However, on the other hand the existence of social media often creates noise and conflict due to the content of information that is often not ethical.

In order to reduce various conflicts of interest so as not to continue, it is necessary to have a formula that is more able to empower social media users (netizens) as well as constructing positive content in utilizing social media. In this case, social media as a new pillar in politics should be able to contribute to creating positive, conducive communication as well as open, rational, interactive, and constructive participation, especially among the younger generation.

At this point, reinforcing the narrative and literacy of diversity in the face of the digital era is of course a very urgent need. Literacy of diversity or citizenship (citizenship education) and digital citizenship (digital citizenship) do not merely prepare individuals for information literacy. The ultimate goal is to raise awareness about the political, social and cultural rights of individuals and groups, including freedom of speech and the responsibilities and social implications that arise. first, targeting the aspects of knowledge, namely changes and improvements in the realm of knowledge and individual insights about politics in a variety of dynamics. Second, more efforts to change attitudes towards various political phenomena in this country, both positive and alarming. Third, the willingness of individuals to change their behavior and even act in order to improve the situation through critical and constructive participation in the decision-making process from participating in elections to guarding the vision and mission of elected politicians.

The target of diversity literacy is mainly targeting young people, with several considerations. Why? because in general, young age is a vulnerable phase, where they do not have a strong self-concept. Young souls are represented by passionate enthusiasm and tendency to react quickly to external stimuli. Furthermore, these young people are the biggest users of new media. The millennial is a native of the digital world (native digital) who will color the hustle and bustle in the online world. For those who have an adequate educational background and understanding of the media, there is no problem. But for those who are vulnerable to understanding the media, it is certainly difficult to distinguish which media content is useful, and which is problematic if consumed by certain communities.

At this point, there is no guarantee that after the presidential election will be held, political hoaxes will be reduced. Interaction between citizens will fail to realize the motto “diversity is a gift” if we are not able to make it as productive social capital. The plurality and complexity of the Indonesian nation must be truly proud and celebrated, not torn apart by disparate hatred and deception of information. The public must really be encouraged to understand that Indonesia’s plurality is natural and cultural. The hope, of course will be born national pride, as a logical consequence of the success of the state in carrying out national development to meet the welfare of society

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