By: Rashka Pratama

The start of new normal will make employees return to work in the office gradually after several months of working from home. To stay safe and avoid Corona virus in the workplace, it is necessary to apply physical distancing in every activity in the office. When doing activities on a desk or at a meeting, make sure the distance between chairs is at least 1 meter. If there are coworkers who sit less than that distance, do not hesitate to reprimand and remind them to keep their distance. Likewise at lunch. If previously you used to eat in the canteen, meanwhile try to always bring lunch from home so you don’t have to go to a crowded place to buy food. When lunching together at the office also keep a distance with colleagues in the office. If sick, ask for permission not to come to work, or if possible, work from home first for a while.

If you have to shop to buy groceries, chances are you will meet a lot of people and always implement physical distancing. Limit touching items in stores or in public places. After touching these items, do not touch your face or personal items, such as bags and mobile phones, before washing your hands. The aim is to reduce the risk of Corona virus contamination. In addition, try not to linger when shopping. Write down what items need to be purchased and go directly to the cashier when all you have got. This also applies if you and your family eat at a restaurant. When eating, you certainly have to take off the mask. So, choose a place to eat with good ventilation so that there is air exchange in that place. Remember, always keep your distance from others, including waiters, other visitors, and cashiers. When paying, use a non-cash payment method to prevent contamination. However, if this is not possible, be sure to wash your hands immediately after handling money or cards.

Since the pandemic, online shopping is increasingly in demand, because people can shop easily without leaving home. Through online shopping, we can buy food, drinks, or goods that we need even though almost all malls and shopping centers are closed during large-scale social restrictions. Therefore, even though shopping online, we must also pay attention to health protocols so that products purchased through online shopping do not become a medium of transmission for us and our families.

Life through the new normal scheme is actually not scary, but maybe for some people it will be more troublesome than usual. This is very reasonable considering we must wash our hands often and require a number of additional items in maintaining personal hygiene. But if you are used to it, then new normal will not be burdensome, instead it will provide a number of benefits that benefit all Indonesian people.

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