New York Agreement Recognizes Papua as NKRI Part

By: Jeremiah Kagoya) *

Pepera results are final and valid and are recognized by the international community. So there is nothing that can make Papua separated from the Republic of Indonesia.

The independent Papua discourse is being intensively carried out by separatist groups. The group that wants to proclaim independence over the Earth of Paradise is suspected of sticking out, following the racism case against Papuan students in Surabaya last week.

The demonstration that ended in chaos was also colored by speeches about independence which they had long dreamed of. Whereas based on the Act of Free Choice, Papua officially becomes part of the legal and final NKRI. Which no one can interfere with this decision. Given its validity has been recognized by the international community as well as friendly countries.

The Event of the Determination of the People’s Opinion (Pepera) in 1969 marked a new history in the western part of Papua. The referendum was conducted to determine whether West Irian was willing to join the Republic of Indonesia or whether it would be independent and independent. West Papua finally declared itself to be part of the Republic of Indonesia despite the process and validity of the results of the Act of Free Choice still causing pros and cons.

In its implementation the Government of Indonesia decided that the Act would be held by a system of deliberation, not voting (voting). Because the terrain in Papua is considered impossible to carry out voting with a one man one vote system. In addition, the implementation of consultation through consultation is also in accordance with the rules of the poll because it is based on local culture. Although Pepera has a long history of implementation, all decisions have been passed so that there are no more doubts about the results of this meeting.

In its implementation, the Pepera Conference in each district was attended by the Chairperson and members of the DMP, the Minister of the Interior or the Chairperson of the Central Government Mission, the Foreign Minister, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, led by Ambassador Ortiz Sanz. Also several ambassadors from friendly countries, domestic and foreign journalists, and also the reviewers.

This Pepera Meeting resulted in a decision if, the people of Papua declared themselves to join the Republic of Indonesia. Papua lined up to become the 26th province of Indonesia by the name of Irian Jaya. But in the course of this decision the OPM was opposed by a number of independent observers who had been provoked by the Netherlands.

It was stated that if Papuan historical figure, Frans Albert Joku said, Papua was not annexed, not integrated nor integrated or combined with the Republic of Indonesia. Because integrating or joining is a process of entry from outside into Indonesia. Which is already clear, since the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945 based on the principle of prosecutorial juris, Papua has officially become part of Indonesia.

However, this process was in fact held by the Dutch for a while and handed over to Indonesia through the Pepera process. So it can be concluded if the right opinion is, Indonesia recaptures Papua or Irian through diplomacy. Frans also stated that if Papua was regained or re-entered into the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, it would not be integrated.

Looking back long before Indonesian independence, the opinion of a Papuan fighter, Ramses Ohee also explained historical facts. Which shows the desire of the people of Papua to join Indonesia has emerged since the implementation of the Youth Oath, October 28, 1928. However, it is unfortunate that there are still opinion if the Youth Oath is not attended by the Youth of Papua. But in reality, Ramses emphasized that these young Papuans were present and made a vow together with all youth from other regions.

Interestingly, Ramses stated that his father, Poreu Ohee was one of the many young Papuans present at the event. Ramses also revealed that if Papua had legally returned to the lap of the motherland, through the Act of Free Choice which had been carried out on May 1, 1969 and had been formalized by the UN

The facts and history of Indonesia’s struggle are real proof that Papua is part of Indonesia and cannot be tampered with anymore. Although many parties deny this decision, including OPM. Also looking for various international support to shake up security and create opinions that deviate from reality. So that decisive action by the government is considered appropriate, moreover it needs to be wary of foreign parties as well as the NGOs that follow it. Because all forms of activities that are considered left-leaning threaten national security and peace. In the end the Pepera Decree was fixed, Papua was part of the Republic of Indonesia, Dead Price!

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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