“No” Campaign, Political Education “Yes”

“No” Campaign, Political Education “Yes”

By: Handoko Suparman) *

Not felt, the 2019 Presidential Election will only count more days. From March 24 to April 13, 2019, the KPU has given permission to the two presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs number 1 and serial number 2 to hold a campaign. It’s just that, even though the rules have been made, there are still many campaigns held inside the mosque. Actually what kind of campaign is right? Why can’t a campaign be held in a mosque?

Campaigns can be said to be a form of propaganda action carried out in a good way. In the realm of practical politics, the things included in the campaign are propaganda programs, both personal and political parties, to the wider community. Although it is recommended to be done well, but there are still a handful of politicians who do black campaigne in order to bring down political opponents.

During the campaign period, a politician justly promotes his work programs by utilizing any media – TV, radio, internet, etc. With a note, the promotion of work programs from the campaign that he does does not aim to bring down political opponents by cheating like racist issues, hoaxes, and so forth.

Then, can a campaign be carried out anywhere, including in the mosque? Historical records once noted that the practice of holding campaigns in mosques had actually existed since the era of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib.

At that time, a campaign carried out by Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan was held to attack one of the Muslim leaders, who was none other than the Caliph Ali. Muawiyah’s case was the murder of Caliph Usman. To be more convincing, and of course the emotions of the listeners’ speech rose, inside the Damascus Mosque, he showed the objects left by Caliph Usman bin Affan and finger pieces from the wife of Caliph Usman.

What happened at Damascus Mosque at that time also happened again in 2017 in Jakarta. Only, one of the cagub who spoke at the Al-Azhar Mosque could explain it politely to those who heard his lecture to choose the preferred Cagub. Because, basically, he is not allowed to carry out campaigns in the mosque. That’s why he then filled his lecture on the topic of good deeds done at night (qiyamul lail).

The action taken by the Cagub is correct. Where the action is inversely proportional to Muawiyah’s actions. The Cagub has respected the function of the mosque in the present era, which does not give anyone permission to discuss trade matters and other worldly types of practical politics. The ban on holding political campaigns in mosques has been stated in Law Number 7 of 2017 which talks about election campaigns.

Of course, the mosque administrators should refuse politicians and timses (the success team) of the party that seeks to hold political campaigns in the mosque in various forms. Lectures / sermons, pamphlets, and banners can be used as a way to campaign for certain politics.

What is feared is the main function of the mosque which should be used to glue the ukhuwah rope will be damaged when the campaign from the political arena enters. Worse, in the campaign, those who campaign will drop political opponents.

As Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan did a black campaigne against Ali bin Abi Talib which was previously told. This is in accordance with the contents of the Koran, in the Letter of An-Nahl verse 125, which mentions that da’wah should call for humanity to go to the path of Allah SWT, and not towards the path of a party or group.

Then, should you not talk about politics at all in the mosque at all? The answer to this depends on the political capacity discussed in the lecture / sermon, tausiah, etc. If the political capacity that is discussed is related to matters that are grazing on political campaigns, of course it is not allowed. However, if political capacity related to matters in the form of political education is permissible.

What is the difference between political campaigns and political education? The difference lies in the substance. The campaign is generally another form of promotion of political parties or politicians. While political education is generally another form of learning. Examples of this political education are very many. The principle of the establishment of the Khilafah state, the way in which the Caliph was appointed, the punishment for the rebels, how the female leader in the eyes of Islam, the Daulah Islamiyah policy on non-Muslims, to what ISIS was and the cruel things he had done, went inside example category of political education.

When delivered in lectures / sermons, these topics gave new insights to lay Muslims in the political field. In other simpler words, let’s say not to the campaign in the mosque, but say yes to political education in the mosque.

*) The author is a Blogger / Alumni of Parahyangan University, Bandung

2019 presidential electionCampaigneducationpolitical
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