Omnibus Law Also Gives Benefit to Entrepreneur


Employers are currently waiting for the realization of employment and taxation laws in the Omnibus Law. The presence of the Omnibus Law is also believed to not be detrimental to entrepreneurs because it will actually facilitate licensing for investors.

The manifestation of the simplification of regulations by the government is the application of the Omnibus Law. A digadang system will make entrepreneurs move more freely because business licenses and so on will be facilitated. In addition, this system will make investors interested in investing in Indonesia because of complicated regulatory regulations.

Of course, the government wants all the rules that are flexible and straightforward. Therefore the planned maturation of the Omnibus Law in response to the stagnation of regulations in Indonesia is increasingly being resolved.

Now, the Government is working on a number of tax laws in one umbrella under the Tax Omnibus Law scheme called the Draft Law (RUU) on Taxation Provisions and Facilities for Strengthening the Economy.

The solution was assessed by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Basic Inorganic Chemistry (Akida), Michael Susanto Pardi as an appropriate idea. He explained that if the rules for taxation are summarized and synchronized to become an omnibus law taxation, it will certainly make it easier for companies, especially for companies that have branches in many regions.

In addition, another positive side to the tax omnibus law is that it will make it easier for investors from abroad to understand and study the taxation system in Indonesia, which can be categorized too much. He claimed to have proposed to the Ministry of Finance in an FGD to provide a green channel for tax-compliant companies. So this will facilitate the corporate income tax report.

In short, these tax regulations are confusing and quite difficult for companies. Because even though there has been reporting, related parties still ask for evidence and answers to the reports made.

Michael again emphasized the idea of ​​enacting an omnibus law taxation would certainly be eagerly awaited. Both existing entrepreneurs who have tried to survive amid the onslaught of a weakening global economy, non-technical disturbances in the field, and also others. Including making investors more interested in investing their capital in the archipelago.

Michael also hopes that with the omnibus law, many industries which are now subject to criminal articles can be replaced with guidance and civil penalties. He also considered that there should be a system that protects stakeholders in the manufacturing industry. And it is expected that it is the government that carries out protection and guidance to the manufacturing industry.

Meanwhile, the Omnibus Law is touted as a way to launch investments. This is in line with the statement of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) researcher, Nailul Huda. He considered the Omnibus Law’s policy plan to eliminate criminal sanctions against entrepreneurs, one of which was launching investments. Moreover, the administration of President and Vice President Jokowi-Ma’ruf is currently opening as much space as possible for investors to invest in Indonesia. No different from Michael’s statement, Nailul also stated that the sanction must be adjusted to the violations made. If convicted of a crime, then it is appropriate to be sentenced to prison. For entrepreneurs who have been running according to the rules can be more calm, but for the naughty can take a deep breath and be ready for the consequences. Surely this effort is a form of justice for all business actors.

However, if the businessman violates only administrative matters, then a fine or civil penalty may be imposed. He hopes not to be given a criminal offense but only to be fined. So that inequality will occur. Such assertiveness can prevent the occurrence of moral deviance and abuse from entrepreneurs. Because this will also affect domestic economic and social stability.

The discourse on the application of the Omnibus Law is indeed increasingly interesting. Because the entrepreneurs can relieved because of a number of new rules in force. All the rules that were previously able to hamper economic growth in the industry and trade will be able to be simplified and make it easy for the perpetrators to do their business without any problems. Moreover, the Omnibus Law is considered as the right way to improve national stability, especially in the economic field.

Because, if the simplification of this regulation is successful, it is quite possible that Indonesia will become a country that is quite capable in its economic sector. Because, it will be supported by the strengthening of breakthroughs from business actors which will increase the competitiveness of Indonesia’s economy in the international world. In addition, the involvement of investors will open up new jobs which will certainly reduce the unemployment rate on a large scale. Increase state income per capita to equalize the welfare of all Indonesian people.

) * The author is a social political observer

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