Omnibus Law Cipta Karya Pushes Indonesia’s Economic Progress

By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *

The Omnibus Law Cipta Karya discussion has been postponed shortly with input from labor activists . This delay certainly gives more time for stakeholders to better understand the substance of the draft law With more opportunities, it is hoped that the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya received support given that the regulation was able to encourage progress for the national economy.

              Although the discussion of the Omnibus Law Bill has been postponed, not a few parties are of the opinion that the draft law will have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy.

              Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo rate, the Omnibus Law on Employment Law will bring a positive influence on the development of the Indonesian economy.

              Perry said, the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya will provide an economic boost, open up employment opportunities and certainly can encourage micro small and medium businesses.

              This Work Copyright Bill is a priority proposal from the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government in the second period. Through this Omnibus Law, the former Surakarta Mayor wants to cut down and simplify regulations aimed at attracting investment.

              Concretely, the government intends to harmonize 1,244 articles from 79 laws into a bill that was originally named the Cipta Karya Cipta Karya.

              Specifically, the omnibus law will improve every regulation in the economic sector, including investment, taxes, and employment.

              Investment growth in the period 2015-2019 has never been more than 7.94 percent per year. One reason for stagnant growth in investment that cannot move up is an indicator of Indonesia’s competitiveness.

              The Global Competitiveness Report made by the World Economic Forum (WEF) notes that Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking has declined from 45 to 50 positions. This is indicated by licensing procedures in Indonesia which are considered to be complicated.

              When a country’s competitiveness increases, investment in that country will certainly increase. Therefore, of course we need a new strategy that is able to reconfigure these constraints. One of them is through the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya.

              Omnibus Law Cipta Karya does not only regulate investment provisions and ease of doing business. One of the Omnibus Law Drafts also regulates other matters, including employment, environment, mining industry, management of coastal and island areas, Village-Owned Enterprises, and Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises.

              In addition, the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya bill is also encouraged to create expansion of employment opportunities and economic empowerment, through the ease of doing business and easy licensing processes facilitated by the government.

              Delaying the discussion of the Omnibus Law Bill will certainly provide a time gap for stakeholders to consider critical notes. So that there will be a healthy dialogue between the government and the people, especially the workers.

              We must also recognize that Indonesia is currently experiencing obesity regulations which ultimately prevents the government from being fast in responding to world changes. Obesity regulation was apparently not in line with the current era wants everything fast-paced.

              The complexity of the regulations has in fact reduced investment enthusiasm in Indonesia, therefore, the government needs a formula that can facilitate the entry of investments which of course will have an impact on job opening.

              Omnibus Law Copyright work is expected to be a mutually beneficial formulation of both workers and employers.

              Therefore, if there are parties who reject the omnibus of work copyright, of course it should open a dialogue with the government later, not necessarily by taking action to the streets.

              We must also be legowo, because indeed a policy certainly cannot please all parties, with the dialogue expected to find a middle ground in the interests of the nation and state.

              On several occasions, President Jokowi claimed the government remained open to receive input from various parties related to the discussion of the Cipta Karya Bill.

              He said, as long as it has not been ratified into law, the public can submit criticism and suggestions. This will certainly be a middle ground for all parties.

              Meanwhile, in the midst of the co-19 Pandemic, it certainly had an impact on the inevitable mass layoffs, this is because the co-19 Pandemic has caused all economic nodes to stop completely and impact on the economic slowdown.

              It is hoped that the Omnibus Law Bill on work will contribute to dealing with the nation’s economic problems related to layoffs, investment and access to job seekers to find work.

) * The writer is a citizen , active in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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