Omnibus Law Encourages the Development of MSMEs

Omnibus Law Encourages the Development of MSMEs

By: Adi Ginanjar) *
The omnibus law scheme can be interpreted as the concept of making a regulation which combines a number of rules into one law which will serve as a new legal umbrella. With this regulation, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia are expected to be stronger in supporting national economic growth.
Of course, the Omnibus Law is one of the new hopes for the industrial sector to grow, with the development of the industrial sector expected to be able to strengthen the economy in Indonesia, so that welfare distribution can also be increasingly felt.
Previously, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki would ensure the omnibus law was in favor of the MSMEs. One of the advantages of the Omnibus Law is that it encourages MSMEs to meet indicators of net wealth, annual sales results / investment value to the number of workers.
Second, bureaucracy will not be complicated. Various refund policies related to MSEs will be based on a single BPS data. Third, MSEs are not alone. The government and stakeholders will also work together in managing MSEs.
Fourth, the Government will form a special regulation for Medium and Large Enterprises so that they can work together with MSEs to generate profit sharing or be intensive for MSEs.
Fifth, get ready for certification. Of course sharing the certification needed by MSMEs will be assisted in the making by the Government.
Sixth, if you don’t have capital, it doesn’t matter. Business activities can be used as collateral for MSEs.
Seventh, MSMEs are everything, MSME development and empowerment activities will be included in the priority list of the Special Allocation Fund.
The government has the intention to encourage the development of MSMEs, with permits getting easier, and of course more and more small businesses are also struggling in Indonesia.
The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartanto explained that the draft Omnibus Law would simplify the licensing process for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
The plan, with this simplification, later entrepreneurs who want to take care of business licenses only need to attach a National Identity Card (KTP).
Airlangga once said, for MSME it no longer needed licensing. Only requires a KTP, NIK (Resident Identity Number) to be important. It will also encourage the existence of a single data.
He said the simplification of the licensing process was carried out to encourage investment and encourage economic growth.
In addition, the simplification is also done to motivate people to make a business. According to Airlangga, the permit base will no longer focus on permits, but rather on risks.
That is, every permit issued to business people, depends on their risk level.
The lower the licensing requirements and stages that need to be done the less, and vice versa.
In addition, in supporting the regulation, Airlangga said the government would also facilitate the establishment of a Limited Liability Company (PT).
Later, the community can be freed from the rules of making PT with a minimum capital of Rp 50 million.
He continued, Airlangga reiterated that the draft Omnibus Law bill had already entered Prolegnas 2020. He believed that if the formulation was completed and still in effect, all bureaucratic issues that hampered investment and the domestic economy would be finished.
In addition to developing small and medium businesses, the government is also committed to protecting the interests of SMEs.
The Secretary of Kemenkop and UKM, Prof. Rully Indrawan, said that the draft Omnibus Law that will be submitted to the House of Representatives is really to protect the interests of cooperatives and SMEs.
That is, since they started the business until licensing has become easier and simpler, wage problems, to tax matters. Do not let the Omnibus Law produce unfavorable MSMEs. Plus the negative impacts that were feared could be anticipated from the start.
On different occasions, the Indonesian Employers’ Association or Apindo stated that the Omnibus Law Employment Copyright regulation would help the growth of the MSME sector. This is because MSMEs may no longer be burdened with obligations related to minimum wage provisions.
The SMEs are also believed to be likely to get a grade because they are helped by the new rules. Even distribution of income is expected to occur.
Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution claimed that the application of the omnibus law or regulation which combines a number of rules into one law as a new legal umbrella related to investment licensing has entered its final stage. Just waiting for approval from President Jokowi.
Omnibus Law seems to be the answer for the SMEs who are concerned about various convoluted rules.

) * The author is a social political observer

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