Omnibus Law, Form Of Good Intention From Government

The omnibus law issue arose when the President’s inauguration speech stated that the government would issue two major laws namely the Employment Copyright Act and the Micro, Small and Medium Business Empowerment Act. Conceptually, omnibus law is a term that is applied in countries that have a common law system such as the United States. Meanwhile, the Indonesian state itself adheres to the civil law system, so the term omnibus law is relatively foreign in the Indonesian state legal system. The formation of a legal product in Indonesia itself refers to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Regulations and Regulations as amended by Law Number 15 of 2019.

In this law, it is not stated or does not recognize the term umbrella law or omnibus law. For this reason, many parties consider that the process of establishing the draft omnibus law is considered to still need to be resolved in the formulation of laws and regulations.

Omnibus law is a legal product that seeks to make laws that can revoke or amend several laws at once. Materially, the philosophical foundation of the draft omnibus law itself has a good goal of harmonizing inconsistent rules, simplifying regulations, facilitating investment, and increasing economic growth for the welfare of society. The intention of the government in the omnibus law bill itself is basically good, namely to carry out its obligations to improve the welfare of the people as mandated by the constitution. Controversy over the omnibus law among the public is common, even in a number of laws issued by the government. However, it can be seen that this omnibus law can be a progressive regulation that provides solutions for improving the economy and welfare of the nation without harming the political and economic rights of the people. To that end, let us together succeed in this program in order to succeed in advancing the Indonesian economy, especially at a time like this where the country’s economy is weakening due to the corona virus outbreak.

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