Omnibus Law Gives Benefits Laborers

Omnibus Law Gives  Benefits Laborers

By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

The realization of the Omnibus Law is believed to benefit the workers. The reason is the Omnibus Cipta Kerja Kerja also accommodates workers who are affected by layoffs or leaving the job market.

This Omnibus Law polemic for some parties is like a terrible scourge. Fear and mistrust of the government are considered the main reasons for the rejection of this system. In fact, many experts say that this system will be able to summarize all regulations in government, especially the economy. Including benefiting the workers.

According to a number of reports, the Omnibus Law will enact a law covering all issues related to economic strengthening. Which will facilitate the prevailing economic order, but still with a variety of policies so as not to make business people and also workers do arbitrary and again violate the rules.

In his speech, Jokowi did mention the importance of efforts to simplify the bureaucracy on a large scale. Investment in job creation must also be prioritized. Long procedure must be cut, added Jokowi.

According to Edbert Ghani, CSIS researcher at the Department of Politics and Social Change said this law was one of the solutions Jokowi wanted to offer related to investment flows. Moreover, considering that Indonesia did not get any contribution from the trade war between China and the United States some time ago. Noted that there are up to 33 Chinese companies relocating their operations to Southeast Asia. Of this number, 23 moved to Vietnam and the rest to Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia.

Lee Ju Ye, a Maybank economist, said that foreign investment received by Vietnam from China and Hong Kong was able to surge as much as 73 percent. Other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines also benefit. “The only loser seems to be Indonesia,” Lee said.

Edbert also stated that Indonesia’s incremental capital out ratio (ICOR) is worse than neighboring countries. ICOR is a quantity that shows the amount of investment needed to increase one unit of output. A high ICOR value indicates that if investments coming in macro are still considered inefficient.

Previously, ICOR Indonesia’s value had jumped to 6.64. This value is greater than Malaysia, which is only around 4.6, Philippines 3.7, Thailand 4.5, Vietnam fiber 5.2. Based on this fact, the government will immediately implement an Omnibus Law solution for the smooth flow of investment and the employment system.

Not only that, in the draft Omnibus Law on Employment Creation a special scheme is being prepared which will allow further wages for Termination of Workers (PHK) victims.

Airlangga Hartarto as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs (Menkoperekekonomi) after a limited meeting on the development of the preparation of the Omnibus Law led by President Jokowi at the Bogor Presidential Palace, said in the discussion on employment copyright, a new scheme in the field of manpower related to “unemployment benefit” was being prepared. . Unemployment benefit is a facility for those affected by termination of employment or leaving the job market.

He said that the Government had prepared for this “employment” which included employment creation in the form of a job loss guarantee facility and this had been included in the BPJS Employment facility. That is, for those who lost their jobs due to the closure of the company, the Social Security will immediately make cash benefits.

Among which are; 6 months advanced wages, training, job placement and re-placement. This will be possible if the SJSN social security system law is revised. While in the future revised Omnibus Law there will be facilities for employment.

He added, for those who lost their jobs, the facility would be provided as long as the company or concerned had become an active participant in the BPJS Employment.

The discourse also touched on the pre-employment card that will be launched because one, in this omnibus law is prepared for job security related to job loss in order to complete old age insurance, death insurance, and other health insurance.

This plan should be welcomed from various circles. Moreover, President Jokowi stressed that he would open up opportunities for as much employment as possible. Regarding the pros and cons that are being rolled out, there is no need to mess around, yet regulations are being drafted and finalized. The most important thing is that the government’s effort to improve the welfare of its citizens is a top priority. It is impossible if the government wants to torment its citizens right?

) * The author is a social political observer

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