Optimistic Indonesia Wins Opposite Covid-19

Optimistic Indonesia Wins Opposite Covid-19

By: Zakaria )*

Do you still remember the story of patients 1,2 and 3 who recovered from co-19? They recover without using a special vaccine for corona. But they can be declared cured. The community must also be optimistic that Covid-19 can recover and Indonesia will be able to get out of the crisis due to this plague.

The recovery of Covid-19 patients is not only caused by medication in the hospital, but also involves the psychological side of the patient to keep thinking positive and optimistic to be cured.

This shows that maintaining physical health during a covid outbreak is indeed something important, but no less important is also maintaining mental health.

Of course their enthusiasm is worth duplicating, where the effects of the co-19 pandemic turned out to have a psychological effect that was not kidding.

Not a few companies that lay off employees for a while, some restaurants are forced to cut 50% of employees to reduce financial burdens.

Many laborers became unemployed, people’s purchasing power declined, smartphone prices jumped dramatically because of the difficulty of shipping goods.

All affected by something visible. This pandemic also has an impact on parents who suddenly have to become teachers for their children, of course there are not many parents who can teach their children as teachers at school.

Many school children or students feel bored while following the call to study at home. Until finally they assumed that the red date was no longer special.

We really cannot regulate this country with a population of more than 260 million to always obey all the protocols. Because hunger is a threat that cannot be tolerated, so the crowd in the shopping center is difficult to anticipate.

 Of course the form of adherence to government protocols must start with oneself and immediate family.

We also have to maintain self-optimism to be free from the threat of the corona virus.

On a talkshow on the YouTube channel, Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin briefly stated that the government was not pessimistic in dealing with the corona virus pandemic. He also requested that the Indonesian people not give up.

In religion, despair is something that is not allowed. As a warrior nation, of course we must have the spirit to overcome. The spirit rises and unites to overcome. The spirit rose and united for a healthier Indonesia.

According to Ma’ruf, the government has so far made various efforts in dealing with the co-19 pandemic. He also hopes that this pandemic can be resolved soon.

He also admitted that the Eid al-Fitr this time was very different from previous years. This Lebaran is celebrated with caution during the corona virus spread.

Eid prayer is done at home, there is no halal bi halal around, even some roads in villages are given a portal to reduce the potential for covid-19 transmission.

On this occasion, Ma’ruf Amin also advised young people or millennials to always take care of their health and comply with the government’s call to prevent the spread of the corona virus.

In addition he also advised young people to always keep their distance. And able to withstand boredom to maintain immunity. Boredom while at home is certainly not pleasant.

Filling boredom at home such as learning music or trying to grow crops, of course, can be an alternative to eliminate boredom.

On different occasions, the Head of the National Development Planning Agency or the Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas / PPN) said that optimism must be maintained in the face of the corona virus pandemic.

To maintain this optimism, the first step that can be done is to filter information from reliable news, do not let hoax news that is spread in the WhatsApp group then be trusted as a reference without looking for other information as a comparison.

Showing optimism can also be realized by creating works of art, for example like Subur Dani, a journalist in Aceh who launched a song called “Heal the World”. The song contained a message about an invitation to build optimism in the community against the corona virus pandemic.

Subur said, that in the song was delivered that when the disaster arrived, then the most affected was psychological.

Keeping your mind positive and believing that the plague will end can also affect your body’s immunity. If the immunity increases, then the corona virus will be difficult to attack the body.

)* The writer is a student of the University of Pakuan Bogor

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